+8 votes
in Minecraft Stories by (550k points)

Steve looked at the new one and said "I'm sorry I doubted you. This really is your first time in this difficulty. Well at least in the last five years"

Steve laughed

The new one said "Sorry, I have to go." 

Steve looked out the window and saw.it was nighttime.

Steve said "Hey, why don't you spend the night here?"

The new one said "I really shouldn't. I have to get some experience points because I am at experience level 0"

Steve said "Uhh, how about you just trade with villagers tomorrow? And by the way this book only has the images of the people in the difficulties not their names. What’s your name?”

The New one said “I am Alex, Who are you?” 

Steve then saw a griefer. 

Steve said “I am Steve, Hurry up to the basement!”

Steve flipped a lever on his way to the basement. The lever caused the lava moat to expand to 5 blocks instead of one.

Alex flipped a lever which exposed Steve’s loot chest. Steve flipped the lever back which hid the loot chest.

Steve and Alex ran to the basement and went to sleep. 

At the crack of dawn, Alex woke up and slowly went up to the main floor. She accidentally made a sound and woke up Steve. 

Steve yawned and asked “Alex! Where are you going?” 

Alex knew Steve wouldn’t approve of her killing some mobs. So, she said “I am seeing if the griefer is gone”

Steve nodded and said “Okay, you do that. Remember, DON’T KILL ANY MOBS AT ALL!” 

Alex said “Okay, I won't”

Alex ran out of the house and right into the lava. 

Steve heard the screams of Alex and ran up to the main floor and saw she had fallen into the lava. Steve made the trap go back to one block wide and put a boat in the lava and told Alex to get in. 

Alex climbed in the boat and said “Thank you Steve. That happens more often than you think”

Steve looked at Alex and said “Okay so, time to get you inside. Steve ran inside and got a lava bucket and a grass block

Steve placed the grass block on the block right in front of the boat and told Alex “Get on the grass block by the boat."

 Alex climbed onto the grass block and onto the side of the moat with the house. Steve then destroyed the boat and the grass block. 

Alex said “So, trade with villagers?!” 

Steve said “Well, I have to mine for at least a few minutes” 

Alex turned red with rage and drew her wooden sword.”

Steve said “I am not afraid o that it is just wooden and I have an enchanted netherite one!”

Alex said “Well, then I challenge you to a pvp battle! First one to die loses!”

Steve said “Okay, It will happen tomorrow at noon sharp!”

Alex asked “Why not now?” 

Steve said “Well, I want you to have at least an iron sword, I want you to be able to prepare and I need to set up the arena!” 

Alex said “Okay, Steve!” cockily 

Steve said “Uhh Netherite is the strongest tool. And armor is allowed but only iron maximum! And you must have one enchantment on everything you will use! And you may NOT use my enchantment table!”

Will Alex craft her own enchantment table, use Steve's or find another one?

Who do you think will win the PVP battle?

What PVP minigame do you want them to play?

Part 3 coming at 10 upvotes. 

Prologue coning after the first 5 or so volumes

You can say I want to help you with the next part if you want to help me 

If you didn't like it don't right up say it use CONSTRUCTIVE critiisizm [I.E. You could have done more (of) _____]

(I know there are spelling errors. But, I don't know how to spell those words I misspelled)

The poll is to vote which volume you liked more.

Part one 

part 3


1 (0 votes)
2 (0 votes)
Same (4 votes, 100%)
Neither (0 votes)

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (965k points)
Best answer
1. I think Alex is actually gonna use an anvil.

2. Capture the flag!
by (550k points)
Thanks for your input!

I will consider it.

And to enchant we need an enchanting table even if we use an anvil... The enchantment table is how we enchant books.
by (965k points)
0 votes
by (550k points)
Part three coming on the 22nd (Tomorrow)
+2 votes
I really am liking this !( You know for not playing MC) Would you consider an up vote by me. I can't up vote .

I also think Steve will win loll
by (550k points)
Yes I would...

Maybe you should get an account (If your parents approve) because you are a very active user.


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