+7 votes
in Min3craft nerd's Minecraft club by (550k points)
Sometimes I go visit o a teacher that isn't one of my teachers. They are a beginner nerd. Today I said I'm the nerdiest Minecraft nerd at  the school. He thought it was a challenge. So on Monday, we are starting a Minecraft tribe war.

 A trivia war is like a trivia battle over many sittings/days.

A trivia battle is when I ask someone a Minecraft question they answer then they ask and I answer the process repeats until one/all but one of the participants have gotten 3 or 5 questions wrong.

I need help with the history of Minecraft and glitch facts. ( those are my weakest areas of nerd)

Thanks for reading.

BTW If I lose I have to give up my title of school Minecraft nerd and I do NOT want to do that.

And don't worry about the questions I have a list of legit 70 nerdy Minecraft questions for the war.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (965k points)
Best answer

Here, go on the Minecraft Wiki at https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft_Wiki to study. On Friday, I’ll quiz you.

0 votes
Here's everything you might ever need to know, (you probably know most of it though)

You used to be able to crash the game by hitting a fishing pole on a nether portal

You used to be able to duplicate things by taking them out of a minecart chest as soon as is goes in a nether portal

Shulker boxes duplicate if they go through a portal

Minecraft used to have a pyramid that was the only structure

There was a bug that was patched up that made sinkholes in lakes or mountains

There was a bug that sometimes made half of a shipwreck on the ground and half in the air

Strongholds are generated in a ring pattern on Java, but on bedrock the generation is completely random

End cities are generated in a hashtag pattern accross the end

Mobs like zombies and skeletons used to run away if a creeper was going to explode, but it made the game laggy so it was removed

In one of the first versions, skeletons didn't have bows but still shot arrows

In one of the first versions, zombies could sprint but players could not, spiders were slower, but could jump far

There was a bug that allowed players to look like they died in creative mode if they swam in lava

The better lighting mod got mojang's attention and they added it to vanilla

Sometimes lanterns would go dark in caves for some reason

In LAN worlds, there was a bug that made it rain for one player but not the other

Tnt, carpets, string, tripwire hooks, and shulker boxes can be duplicated using glitches

. . .

I'll let you know when I have more facts about glitches and bugs and stuff
The second to last one... There still is!
Oh yeah, a couple of these have not been patched, a lot of things, like carpets and strings, can still be duped


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