+7 votes
in Other by (56.3k points)
So I accidentally signed in to reddit on my mom's phone. Omg. Reddit is annoying. Like lots of posts on one day. I unsubscribed before my mom knew. Kidz talk is kinda like Reddit.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (550k points)
Reddit has inapproperate things on it
by (155k points)
You can change the settings to control that.
0 votes
by (29.5k points)
Yeah reddit can be annoying. but it rlly depends on the sub-reddits you follow.
0 votes
by (968k points)
Yeah. Reddit does have a bunch of posts if you go on the main page. But if you go on some inactive subreddits, the last post made would be a few months ago.
0 votes
by (155k points)
Reddit is cool. I used to have an account on there.

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