+6 votes
in Venting by (4.4k points)
I just wanted to get this off of my chest -

I am always constantly losing friends. One person I thought was my friend sent me an email about how annoying I was and that she kept giving me signs that she did not want to be my friend and I was clearly not getting them. I also lost my friend - the one that was spreading rumors about me. Then basically I lost one of my best friends because she moved to Florida. We still keep in touch but our friendship is probably going to drift away. I have also lost my best friend from the past because she became friends with another girl and forgot about me.

Sometimes I just feel like I don't belong anywhere. A lot of my friends just pretend to be my friend then stab me in the back.

8 Answers

+3 votes
by (28.9k points)
Best answer
sav i just want u to know u can tell me anything you will never lose me i swear u and the others yk who i am talking about are the best things that have ever happened to me u r my best friends and u mean the world to me i thought that i needed u and i do without you u and the others there is a good chance I wood not be hear right now and i never want to lose you i never realized that u needed me just as much as I need you and i will not let u lose me 2 i am NOT leaving u mean 2 much 2 me i cant lose u or the others i always said there is just another reason to try hard I thought I knew that meant but now I realize I never did but you showed me what it means You showed me that I can be strong when everyone else is hurting me when everyone else is causing me pain you helped me make it through it You help me everydayWhen I started having that panic attack today you were the first one who stood up you were the first one who noticed you were the first one to help me There were so many others around me so many others who could have helped who could have stopped what they were doing but you did and I can't think you enough You are my best friend and so are the others and I can't make it without you guys If I leave this school I'm leaving a part of me behind If I leave you guys then a part of me is missing i won't let you lose me because then I'm losing you and I don't want to do that you are what makes me strong you help me make it through tough times and I don't want to lose that I don't want to lose you you are too important to me whatever happens next whatever the world has in store for us all the challenges that will have to face i'll make it through them because I'll have you by my side so thank you Thank you for always being there for me and ik that the other may read this so same for all of u
0 votes
ago by
In the past 2 years, 2 of my friends moved away to another state and one of them is home schooled now
0 votes
ago by
I totally understand. lately my best friend has been hanging out with my other friends without me and drifting apart from me. I know its hard but real friends for you are the ones that will stay.
0 votes
I can be your friend :DDDDDDDDD
0 votes
by (1.1k points)
I know what that's like. I had a nasty breakup with a long-time friend of mine because she was toxic. I will stay your friend as long as possible. :)
by (4.4k points)
Thanks. I love being friends with you, you are so supportive and funny
by (28.9k points)
was it that girl who said i was racist
by (4.4k points)
oh no not her Lena
0 votes
by (550k points)
I can be your friend
by (4.4k points)

Thanks regular_smile

+1 vote
by (550k points)
So, I moved a state over from where I used to live. My friendship with them almost has completely drifted apart with them.

I had a friend last year who was nice to me until they said " notch died" to me.

So, I can relate.

But, you could ask your parents to bring you to social events ( I have Camelot for kids and a group speech therapy thing) those are my examples of solutions to your problem.
ago by (116k points)
Tbh that part about your friend saying that notch died and then you thinking that was mean is hilarious
+2 votes
by (965k points)

You know, sometimes I feel like I don’t belong anywhere either.

  • There’s a group of 4 girls that hang out together a lot. They talk about personal problems (maybe, maybe not), and all of them are in contact with at least one other person in that group. I’m not interested in talking about personal problems, so… And they’re also really girly.
  • There’s another group of 3 girls. I’m good friends with 2 of them, but one of the 3 girls bully my friends a lot (but I don’t see it), and she used to bully me. And all 3 of them always go out places, and yeah. Obviously, I wouldn’t hang out with a bully.
  • The other 2 girls are in different friend groups. One of the girls (loves anime, I think) always hangs out with another girl (definitely loves anime) after the former girl gets eliminated in four square. The other girl is basically in my nonexistent friend group and we annoy each other (it’s fine though) a lot.
  • As for the boys, there’s 2 boys who love memes that hang out together. I have rivalries against both, but I don’t really have a general rivalry against one of the, except for Nitro Type.
  • There’s a group of 3 boys, sometimes 4 boys. I’m basically in their group, but sometimes, I feel like they don’t want me in their group. They mostly talk about video games.
  • There’s a huge group of boys that basically talk about sports. And maybe random stuff. There’s no way I’m joining them.

Now you know every friend group that exists in my class. I’m mostly a part of the second-to-last group, but, well, I think some boys in that group don’t want me in. (I know one definitely does)


Sounds familiar. There's this group of best friends that sit together at lunch (at the table I usually sit at, so that's kind of why I talk to them.) I have to avoid most of them, though. Some are super homophobic, I don't like them, and one of the people in this group is bi, but they don't know that, she doesn't know how these people are. . .

And the nice ones that I do like. . .I just feel awkward around them. There are other nice kids, but they keep to themselves.

And then the other friend groups I just don't like. At all.

ago by
My school is just like that. Basically all the boys hang out together and don't really care who's popular or not. They bully the special Ed kids, which is rude. Same with the popular girls. I can definitely relate to the second point though. I'm friends with somebody who is friends with people who don't like me or my friends, and they even do drugs (not the one who is my friend though)
ago by (965k points)
A year later and this is good for archival. (As in I’m gonna keep this up to preserve the friend groups at my old school)
ago by (119k points)
What friend group are you part of now?
ago by (965k points)
Well, the groups shifted around completely and there’s too many in my grade to document.

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