+6 votes
in Venting by
Okay, I'm just a idoit. I like this boy and I had a lot of my classes with him. (Btw I'm in middle school) I also did a band completion with him and all of it was just awesome. But I had liked him since last February. My friend was messing around on Snapchat with him, she asked if she could me being me I said yes, that was I horrible choice. Then my other friend asked if she could invite him into the ft call and we where all literally screaming well as where doing this. He joins instantly m face turns red. I had already told my friends they could say anything thing they wanted. One of the other girls goes, ••••••• ur so blind eye has liked you for so long then we all slowly start to leave th ft. And text him I'm so sry along with many other weird things my friends had sajd. He said do you like me.there was a little talk in between but after me telling him I liked him and I asked if he liked me back he said no sorry. The thing is I really thought he liked me.... Well that's that

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (155k points)
So what. He's not the right guy for you. You're not an idiot he is. Dump him find someone else once you old enough. Or else.you'll ruin another friendship. When your about 16 look again ok?
by (68.9k points)

I agree with TurtleUnicorns. If a guy doesn't like you, it's fine, a guy that you like isn't usually the perfect guy for you. You'll find someone who will like you as much as you like them, I know it.

~ Wraya <3

Oh really. So if a guy doesn't like a certain girl for his own personal reasons, he is an idiot. Wow. So what about the girl I asked out in middle school and she turned me down. Said she didn't like me. Does that make her an idiot? Nooo, it means she didn't like me. Buck it up and get over it. You aren't going to get anywhere in life moping over something. The only way to get somewhere, is to keep moving on. Nobody is an idiot in those circumstances. So don't call him an idiot turtleunicorns. If he didn't like her, he didn't like her. Doesn't make him an idiot. Wait till you are older before dating. I've dated. I've had breakups. It's not all it is cracked up to be. So just move on kid. Find the right person for you when you get older.

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