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in Venting by
I was in the kitchen with my dad and I started talking about LGBTQ+ and Transgender rights (im genderfluid, aromantic, and omnisexual), and he started accusing me of only being LGBTQ+ because I was "watching other people talking about it and that I wouldn't worry about that because im a minor". What he basically said is that I was influenced to be gay and just " hopped on a trend" (being LGBTQ+ is NOT a trend). And I also asked him for a binder a few months ago and he kept brushing it off and ignoring it.

I also brought up the idea of genderfluid/non binary/genderless bathing suits, since summer is coming up in my country and all my other bathing suits are bikinis, which I don't really feel comfortable in. He went dead silent and continued staring at his phone, which made me feel so left out and unheard. I know he wants to love and accept me openly but he doesn't know how.

He said he accepts me, but he treats my sexuality and gender identity like it isnt important. Im 12, and he acts like im unable to know what I identify as at this age. I just wish I could freely talk to him about it, but every convo I have about it ends with us yelling at each other and me crying in the bathroom later on.

I dislike my mom, and my grandparents live in Canada so I can't talk to them. My dad is my only other option but I barely see him since my parents are divorced. Don't get me wrong, my dad is such an amazing person and I love him so much, but sometimes its hard. He does everything to make sure me and my siblings are happy, but I hate when he acts like this. During our argument today, he ended it by saying "just know that ill always love you and you'll always be my daughter", to which I responded " daughter? How long until I stop being someone's daughter? I hate being like this, im always someone's daughter. Do you think I want to be a daughter, or a girl, or a woman? Am I nothing else?". He paused before saying "you're my child then" and walked away.

I guess im just trying to say that I wish every conversation we had didnt go like this and that I could speak openly with him. I see other parents and their kids and I get so jealous. I suffer from teenage depression and I wish I could openly discuss it with my dad and that he'd listen and not just say im being influence by someone else. Most of the people in my life, like ex-lovers, ex-friends, and even my own mother have told me so many things that make me feel like everything I think or do is just another overreaction. My dad thinks im overreacting, and when I started talking about all the anti-lgbtq things that have been happening in my country, he just asked why I cared so much since it "didn't affect me" and that I was getting to riled up and that I was overreacting.

Anyone else relate? Im sorry if this sounds rushed or poorly worded, I'm having a really bad day.

3 Answers

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Best answer

Hey, that's fine (about the sorry it sounded really rushed, not anything else)

Yup. People say it's a trend, people say you're too you. It's not, and you're not.

Try having a talk with him. Sit him down and say something along the lines of "Dad, I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community, why do you keep ignoring [gender neutral bathing suits, issues involving hate, the binder, etc]

I know I can't do much, and I know this isn't very long, but I send my support, and I hope you get your bathing suits, binder, and most importantly: kindness and full acceptance. If I can do anything, you can tell me.

<3s and rainbows, 


0 votes
by (161k points)
Late to the post, but at least your dad tried detente.
by (155k points)

He’s not trying enough. He should be accepting. He isn’t enough and wasn’t acknowledging his gender. He’s pretending it doesn’t exist and only gave in on the child part because he knew there was no other answer that Wilbur would take besides “son,” and met him halfway, not fully, which isn’t super great.

I believe this is Wilbur before his user change

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send him a notetongue_smile

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