+9 votes
in Important Studios by (529k points)

Important Studios presents something very Important once again.

So you may think of Slytherin as housing the most feared and baddest villain of them all.



Okay Dumbledore—

As I was saying, the Slytherin house is pegged as being the "House of Evil". Though, there were some good guys in Slytherin.. Like Draco Malfoy! And... Okay wait no spoilers for those who haven't read or watched the series..

But someone you wouldn't expect.


I'm saying all of this to—


Literally no one was talking to you Kevin.

I make my return and am more annoying then evah


I was saying all this TO SAY *shoots malicious look at Kevin* that I...

Am a—


It would be better if the Sorting Hat said it. He was made for this line.


*Note, that was not Kevin, that was the Sorting Hat who put the text in green BOLD to match the subject.*

But yeah, you heard it here folks.

I'm in the House of Evil.


LIKE I SAID BEFOAR, some Slytherins are nice! 

And sometimes they're not.

Listen up you Hufflepuff

Who are you and what do you want?




Kill the spare—

nobodyimportant out—

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (967k points)

Wait, Kevin’s a Hufflepuff? So am I!

Also, Draco Malfoy is bad in my opinion…

by (529k points)
I'm not a fan of Malfoy either, but he's supposed to be a good guy in canon.

And also we share the same house sooooo—

But it's cool that you're Hufflepuff! Hufflepuffs are very nice. Some even brave like Diggory!
by (64.3k points)
I am a hufflepuff to!
by (967k points)
Well Nobi, you said that you were a Slytherin a million times…

Also, that’s cool, robloxgirl99!
by (529k points)
Just wanted everyone on here to know that I am a proud Slytherin!

by (967k points)
0 votes
Slytherin is superior. I'm in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin, but I'd rather be in Slytherin in all honesty xd.  


- Dino
by (529k points)


But yeah, I've always wanted to be placed in a rich pureblood fam like the Malfoys or the Blacks (before they went extinct) just cuz I like that background XD

And Slytherin is pretty cool, despite being located directly under a lake and the common room being sort of wet and cold but you can't have everything—

I've done the test twice, and same: I'm either Ravenclaw or Slytherin.

Slytherin's cooler than Ravenclaw-

At least in my opinion. The common room is literally in the dungeon-

by (529k points)

Literally guys we have so much in common it ain't even funny.

Little did people know, the Golden Girls were actually proud Slytherin in canon wut—



We shall destroy the world mwahahahaha. Grab your poetry, drivers license, and prepare to abandon your religion >:D

- Dino


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