+13 votes
in Important Studios by (529k points)

Important Studios presents...

An important game.

That title sounded horrifying—

Anywho, those of you who were brave enough to click in despite the off-putting title, I applaud you. But I must say, I think you know how chaotic things are going to get, since that comes with the territory. Nobi's Territory.

Name any progressive storyline that comes to your head. Basically a random sentence. This game is inspired by Minecraftnerd's idea to make a story out of random, out of context sentences put together in an odd story. Be as chaotic and weird as you must (without getting in trouble with KS, of course.)

This will be fun. As I mentioned, all credits should go to Minecraftnerd, as she was the one who gave me this blessed idea. 

Of course, this important broadcast wouldn't be the same without the very person I love to lock in the cupboard under the stairs (I don't have a cupboard under the stairs)...

Kevin, come out here.

Once this game is finished, we can play another game shortly afterwards.

It seems the British influence has crossed over to you, too—perhaps to much Hogwarts Legacy...

Anyways, let your mind be free. Be your creative and weird as can be selves.

What a beautiful mess this shall be.

nobodyimportant out—

8 Answers

0 votes
by (796k points)
0 votes
by (968k points)
(Different story)

Esie2 was destroying Esie in every way possible.
0 votes
by (35.9k points)
And so we smiled, knowing we had done something big, though it has cost many others, we made it... the end.
0 votes
And herobrine drinking it
by (529k points)
0 votes
by (5.1k points)
by (529k points)

Can't believe people are still answering this x3

+1 vote
by (126k points)

Except for one teeny, tiny detail.

+2 votes
by (968k points)
Her Minecraft was like any other Minecraft; completely normal.
+2 votes
by (550k points)
Annabeth was playing Minecraft in her room


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