+12 votes
in Nordic Club by (790k points)

So there is a Nordic folk song that I really like called Oleanna by Lillebjørn Nilssen but I just noticed some things

1. appearently the song is based off a true story, if it is based off a true story? why isn't Oleanna labeled in google maps as a historical city but instead a void of nothing, and why is it spelled that way (Oleanna is named after Ole bulls, the main character of the song and his wife, Anna)

I censored the city and ZIP code because I dont know if there are any Kidz Talk users from Oleanna.

another thing, is this plagirism?

2. This is a lyric from another Norwegian folk song Pål Sine Høner by Arve Moen Bergset. In the live version, The lyrics to  Pål Sine Høner  are replaced with English commeantary about the song's history.  This is pretty unrevelant because Oleanna is set in the Nordic-American Immigration era (late 1700s to early 1800s) and  Pål Sine Høner  I assume is set in like the 1920s or before World War 2.  Pål Sine Høner  is released in 1986, and Oleanna was released in 2006.

More things im concerned about, The song about how the men have really fancy clothes and the women dont, yet in the lyric video, they show a Woman wearing a Bunad (Bunads used to be considered as Rural/Farm wear but now they're considered as fancy clothing and are worn in Weddings, Funerals etc. in the US (depending where you live due to the amount of Nordic people, a Bunad might be cheaper in areas such as the Upper Midwest due to the huge amount of Nordic population) but here in the south a Bunad  can cost UP TO 5,000$-

this song is so amazing but confusing

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (122k points)
Best answer

New Nordic folk song theory

Pål was one of the Norwegian-American immigrants who moved to Oleanna, but he  was a child. then, during the 1920s, he lost his family farm (because the last line of the song is Now he has lost his family farm)

also, Pål Sine Høner is categorized as a Children's song now. I guess it sounds weird because basically losing all your farm's animals to a Fox is a weird premise

Also, You got the timeline wrong. The Scandinavian-American immigration era started in the 1840s and ended in the 1950s. You are somehow more knowladgable on this topic than I am so 

by (790k points)
That is actually a fire theory

Also, this was before I used other sources for researching


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