+12 votes
in Book Reviews by (791k points)

I haven't done a review in a whole while, so why not?

The last time I did a review was earlier in September when I reviewed the Nordic folk album  Morlid by Helene Boksle (click here to read it) So, I decided to do yet another review. Nobody even answers my reviews (except Inga) so Idk if I should quit reviewing all together.

The Book I’m Reviewing is one Inga may or may not judge me for, but it is The Best of The Norwegian Heritage by Arland O. Fiske. This is a review of the 1st book and not the 2nd. I am gonna review the 2nd book once I get a chance to own it. So maybe I’ll wait after next year. Who knows

What is interesting is that the book isn’t a whole story, but rather as an Anthology. The stories talk about  Norwegian and Norwegian-American history. The stories are really short (2 to 6 pages.) Due to the stories, I assume they’re written for kids ages 6 to 12.  so I won’t do a full-depth review on each and every story. There are stories about all kinds of Norwegian themes, from the Viking Age to present day (these stories are written in the 1980s, so a newer, adapted version will be amazing, especially for Norwegian/Norwegian-American kids)  

My favorite story out of all of them had to be Hans Nilsen Hauge. It was interesting to read, and I never knew about him until now :0. Overall, this book is great if you want to learn about Norwegian history (this is a historical fiction and realistic fiction anthology with some facts about the stories) I give this book 9 out of 10 (Minus 1 point for how short the stories are). So there you have it, if you like learning about Norwegian history or you are a Norwegian(-American) then you could like this book (To everyone else, don’t worry. Arland also made Swedish, Danish, General Scandinavian and Finnish versions of this book)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (122k points)
Best answer
Me who owns the Finland Version :

also dont quit :( you write great
by (791k points)
lol thanks
0 votes
by (791k points)

I should start quitting  writing reviews
by (529k points)
I don't even know what to answer, though...

The only book I really like is Harry Potter because I refuse to read or like any other book 'cause I'm stubborn :[
by (791k points)
I feel ya

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