+11 votes
in Nordic Club by (794k points)

So, this is basically the story on how I got into Nordic countries.

It was last year, the summer before Middle School and I was very bored. Back then, I was hyperfixating over Psychics, pokemon and Monstercat (an EDM music company) and I was bored.

a few minutes later my mom came up to me to watch a documeantry about Norway. 1st I was skeptical, but I followed my mom to our living room anyways.

I actually found it very interesting, the documeantry was 2 hours and I was very impatient but it was worth every minute. after that, I read some wikipedia articles about Norway and I found that really cool aswelll.... So I decided to study ALL the Scandinavian countries.

By the time i reached the 6th grade, I was really obssesed. I felt skeptical on telling my dad about my interest in Nordic countries, because he is usually very strict with my interests. And he actually approved it and sometimes calls me his "Nordic Daughter" EVEN THOUGHT I AM VENEZUELAN- but it is ok.

And Thus. a Mistake was made. Hope you like the story on how Nordic became Nordic 

(Nordic is my 2nd nickname, Carly is my 1st)

5 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
truly a origin story moment
by (794k points)
+1 vote
by (529k points)
Experian Boost—
+1 vote
by (137k points)
And more boost!
+1 vote
by (794k points)
boosts again
+1 vote
by (794k points)


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