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There's this girl in my school, let's call her Anna, thinks we're academic rivals of some sort. I find this whole 'rivalry' thing annoying and tiring.

As a person, I've always been an introvert. I like being in my own world, working on my own things. I like to keep a close group of friends. But you won't find me being rude to others either.

I believe in friendships and peace, not whatever stunt she's pulling up. She goes out her way to speak bad of me at whatever chance she gets. She instantly goes in bad mood whenever I get better score than her.

Which, I was able to notice because that happens a lot. What suprised me was, her parent claims that the only reason she comes second to me is because -- I'm the teacher's favorite. He implied that teacher's give me better grades because apparently I'm their favorite and I don't deserve it? That's a bit immature, wouldn't you say?

Now, I used to not care about this whole rivalry thing, until her dad pointed it out. I used to think her as a friend - If I'm being honest. I had thought this rivalry is just my imagination. But I'm not sure anymore.

She's working really hard lately, which shows, and I admire her for that. I always had trouble with my short attention span, so long hours of study doesn't come to me easily.

Maybe I'm putting too importance on this, but, now after her dad's comment, I really want to get this rivalry go on. I want to always be better than her in every single class. And by the end of the year, I want to prove her dad how wrong he was.

Maybe I'm being immature. But oh boy, I really wanna do this.

- Aylin

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+5 votes
1 answer 47 views
asked Nov 4, 2023 in Venting by Aylin

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