+11 votes
in Books by (790k points)

I got a Scandinavian travel Guide :]

(I'm at my aunt's house)

This is like a waste  of 30 dollars, but I don't really care. It is 350 pages of Scandinavia

They were half the price, so the original price was 60$ surprisingly. 

Also, I am so excited. To read this.

Also, this book must be 159 years old if it still calls Sápmi the forbidden L word skullsami-flag

Either that or the IT guy wrote this book. 

Also, I did another Amazon Haul. I bought a Bergen Pin, a Stockholm T-shirt, a Norway-Sweden Union flag, a Moomin Keychain (since I already have Snufkin) and a Book about this Finnish-American Immigrant kid.

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (965k points)
Best answer

You have joined my side… *evil laughter*

No, this is a joke, I didn’t want 4 million people to leave because of me, help me…

by (790k points)
wait elo, are you seriously pro or anti Norway-Sweden Union. I am ofc an Anti
by (965k points)
Neither, but I’m leaning towards anti. (I joke about me supporting the Union since I have Norwegian AND Swedish in me)
by (790k points)
and why anti
by (790k points)
by (965k points)
Well, I mean, that union DID cause 4 million people to leave and I’m pretty sure there was a famine too…

(All of my info about the Norway-Sweden Union is from KidzTalk and KidzNet)
by (790k points)
yes. the government didnt care, they only cared about the upper class
+1 vote
by (99.5k points)

I'm the upvote fairy sparkles

Please allow me to spam you with 80+ upvotes ;)


(There is no fairy emoji so I had to improvise)

by (790k points)
can you come back fairy, I need some sweet sweet upvotes
+1 vote
by (228k points)

I know nothing about Nordic stuff, except for the fact  that sometimes in my head I call Norway Norwegia

I am so not kidding
+1 vote
by (167k points)

Cool! when I looked at this post and saw it was in books I thought, "THE EMIGRANTS?"

by (790k points)
WHy Would I get The Emigrants
by (167k points)
+1 vote
by (122k points)

Anyways..... I have that same book!
by (790k points)

0 upvotes fear

+1 vote
by (303k points)

thats one cool book!!! <3

whats the forbidden 'L' word??? D:


by (965k points)
by (790k points)

for the sake of the Sámi


by (790k points)


Bro had the guts to say that


by (122k points)
Elo has offended 1,700,000 People (population of Sápmi)
by (116k points)
by (790k points)

Not all 1,700,000 People who live in Sápmi are Sámi.

and not all Sámis live in Sápmi. there are some areas in the south of Norway that are inhabited by Sámis
by (965k points)
There’s 80,000 Sámi people.

And considering that I’m part Norwegian (and Sámi people there don’t like the word “Lapland” at all)… yeah I’m dead.
by (790k points)
not only that

You are north Norwegian. Most of North Norway is Sámi teritorry... well wel well.
+1 vote
by (790k points)

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