+6 votes
in Other by
I am a girl I think people know that bye now. :3


My real name is Isabella but u can call me bella or wolflover whichever one u prefure

I love drawing and singing my friends say Im good at singing but I'm like Nah I'm, okay.

I hate Sushi and pasta for some reason yeah I just can't deal with it its not good in my opinion but were not here to talk about my hate for sushi and pasta.

My mom gave birth to 6 kids If u include me But one of them passed her name was maria she would have been my older sister .

Welp Thats all I don't know What i'm doin with my life. XD

4 Answers

0 votes
by (132k points)
I'm 5" 2
0 votes
by (302k points)
i can agree. pasta isnt my favorite.

FINALLY SOMEONE WHO I DONT COMPLETELY TOWER OVER!!! most the people i know are like 4"- 5" and im 5'5", so, i'm taller than my parents now-

i have four siblings. and i also like to draw!!!
I want to grow to at least 5'11.
0 votes
We have so much in common. I'm a girl. My name is Annabelle. My sister died when she was little. And my mom had six kids including me. We also are the same height. And my fave animal is a wolf!!!
Woah awesome I'm so sorry about ur sister.
0 votes
by (967k points)
Aw man, you’re taller than me… I’m 5’1”.
Thats still pretty tall
by (967k points)
About half the people (I think) in my class (I have 3 classes but I’m talking about the one I have the most) are taller than me.
by (546k points)
I am 5"0
I'm taller than everyone in my friewn group but i'm the youungest. Ur still tall though! some people in my class wish they could be 5'1
by (99.7k points)

I'm 5'9" laughing-tears

by (119k points)
I am 4’10 and a half and (me and Elo are the same age.We are both 11)

I have 2 classes, one for Drama(my elective) and one for everything else.

In my main class, some people are the same height as me, a few people are shorter, and a lot of people are taller than me.(I have 32 kids in my class-)

What subjects do you have each of your classes for Elo?
by (302k points)
im 5'5".



dont share if you dont wanna
that is tall owl
by (119k points)
by (967k points)
I have a social studies and ELA class (1st and 2nd period), a science, math, and robotics (my elective) class (3rd, 4th, and 5th period), and then PE class. (6th period)

There’s around 30 kids in each of those classes. For PE, it’s 30 6th graders and 30 8th grader for a total of 60 kids.
by (119k points)
First of all, how short is your school day that YOU ONKY HAVE 6PEIODS?!

I literally have 8 periods and my school day is from 8:40-3:00.

Second of all, are you considering your scienec, math and robotic class to be your main class?

In my P.E class, I have my class(my main one, not my elective one) and 2 other 6th grade classes

Also, you have to same schedule every day? I have different schedules for different days of the week.
by (99.7k points)
@ Joel and Pizzalover44
Joel I'm going to be 12 ½ in March. Pizzalover44 idk genetics ig XD
by (967k points)
1. My school day is 6.5 hours. Each period lasts 50 minutes (except for 4th period, which lasts an hour), lunch is 30 minutes, and advisory (for our grade, it’s in between 3rd period and lunch) is 26 minutes. Passing time in between the beginning of school and 1st period is 5 minutes and all other passing time is 4 minutes long. On Wednesdays, my school is 5.5 hours long. Each period (except 4th, which is one hour, and 6th, which is 48 minutes long) is 43 minutes and there’s no advisory.

2. Yes. Also, I have advisory in that classroom, so that technically makes it my homeroom.

3. I have the same schedule every day except Wednesday, which I described above. Also, the day before a break, it’s a half day, so my school day is 3 hours long.
by (119k points)
1. okay that is a lot more complicated than my school. I just have 8 periods that are all 43 minutes long, including lunch. Only 30 minutes for lunch is sad. My passing time is literally 2 minutes but we don’t have lockers. My school is a,so 6.5 hours, except it is every day. You have a really complicated period schedule in your school, as I said before mine is simple and is the same for every period.


3. Do you mean that like say the day before winter break you get a half day? That’s cool. We only get those for parent teacher conferences
by (967k points)
1. It’s actually more confusing said than in reality, with a few rare exceptions. (One time we had a Native American assembly and the schedule was kinda confusing, the last 2 hours of the school day (which was 6.5 hours) was dedicated to the assembly)

3. Yeah.
by (99.7k points)
I have 5 periods mon -thurs and on Friday I have a homeroom

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