+7 votes
in All Advisors by (796k points)

im feeling smört today

plz ask me anything about Nordic countries.  I am only gonna be answering questions  about soemthing you want to know about a certain part of Nordic culture/history

this q and a session will be open from January 5, 2024 to January 14, 2024.

ask away boogie

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (302k points)
Best answer
did any of the countries that perticipated in the Kalmar union not like the idea or fight against it?

i've just wondered this--
by (796k points)
A lot of them (except Denmark itself) did not approve of the union, but still had to be within the same government.

Sápmi wasnt included not because they didnt want to be included, but because the Sámi have their homeland and the queen respects that

As I said, Sweden didnt like the idea. They had various fights with Denmark, 2 dealing with extreme violence (I do not recommend researching this part of Nordic history)
by (302k points)
thanks, Carly :)

i understand now, and ty for best answer!!!
by (796k points)

also did you smash the upvote button

by (302k points)
duh. :)
+1 vote
by (161k points)
How did Finland beat the heck outta the Soviets in the winter war
by (796k points)
The magic of Sisu

(One of my aunts is both a World War 2 and Scandinavian history Nerd. And she told me a story about Finnish soldiers in World War 2 and how they got help from Sisu and stuff)
+1 vote
by (167k points)
why is Swedish folk music so amazing
by (796k points)
Not answering opinion questions

anyways... did you smash the button
by (167k points)
just did

What made the Norway Sweden union exist at all
by (796k points)

Well, at the time. Sweden wanted to form a large empire. they already had a lot of Finland (at this time, they lost Finland which was annexed to Russia) Sweden also gained more teritorries (they Gained Jämtland and Skåne, both are Swedish states that used to belong to Denmark and Norway. Also at the time, Norway wanted to be free from Denmark, which Norway was under Danish rule since the Kalmar Union.

Sweden wanted to help Norway, But the Norwegians misunderstood the Swedes as an "Invasion" after a fight, Norwegians gathered to write the new constitution, and thus the worst union in the universe was born norway_sweden_union(letting you know, May 17 is not the Norwegian independence day. June 5 is the independence day, in which Norway silently left the union due to the state of their citizens)

by (167k points)
June 5 is Norway-Sweden union Independence Day?
by (796k points)
by (167k points)



by (796k points)
No because it dosent excist

 Technically it will May 17, 1814 due to the writing of the Norway-Sweden Union's constitution
by (167k points)
oh so that's what May 17 is all about then

my next question is: What instruments do they use in Swedish folk music and Norwegian folk
by (796k points)
In Norwegian folk music, the most used instrument is the hallingdal fiddle. Most Norwegian folk music, such as Stevs and Joiks are ususally acapella-only, which means no instruments are used. Stevs used to be popular to perform until the late 1990s. Some popular kveders (people who perform Stevs) from the 70s, 80s and 90s are Arve Moen Bergset, Kirsten Bråten Berg and Øyonn Groven Myhren (The latter is my absolue favorite Kveder)

In Swedish folk music, the Nyckelharpa (Key harp) is used a lot. The Jew's harp, which despite the name is used a lot in Nordic and Baltic folk music is also commonly used
by (167k points)
Adding these to the list of instruments I want  to learn
by (796k points)
Joiks are instruments?
by (167k points)
The others, I mean.
by (167k points)
is Finland really a part of Scandinavia?
by (796k points)
depends on who you ask
by (167k points)
I asked you.
+1 vote
by (123k points)
Can you explain life of the Norway-Sweden union
by (796k points)

* cue elevator music*

Norway, Urban areas /high living conditions, Government already helps middle-class and higher-class. Healthcare is good, little to no affection to rural law
Norway, Rural Areas Poor or Avarage living conditions. the rural law was made to clear out land and limiting sizes of farms, which affects large families (Most of these families were large
Sweden, Urban areas High to Avarage living conditions. Kids get acesss to school, Adults get high-paying jobs, government helps Higher class and Middle Class families
Sweden, Rural areas Poor (and sometimes even extremely bad) conditions, espiecally in Småland, Kalmar and other southern areas due to constant famines and floods.  similar to Norway, Most people lived in houses too small to support their families. As a result about a 1/4 of Swedes and 1/3 of rural Swedes emigrated, mostly to Midwestern USA

0 votes
by (796k points)
by (161k points)



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