+6 votes
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Hi BraceletGirl123! So I asked MinecraftNerd if she wanted to try to meet each other in a few years and was wanting to know if you also maybe wanted to too.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (116k points)
In real life?
0 votes
by (547k points)
Yess 100% u r so awesome if we all meet them omg who knows in twenty years we all may be in the same government thing and I will be like on kidz talk I used that when I was a kid and u will say ya I was queen cat and I will say ya I was braceletgirl123 and then we will be like omg omgomgomg



By a few years I mean when we're both old enough to drive. So maybe in 5years we can meet for lunch or something. It can be your pick where we go.regular_smileteeth_smile we probably wouldn't exchange addresses but probably phone numbers. 

by (547k points)
I'm but how would we know were each other r????
Well we could text each other our location and meet each other at that location. Im in the USA. Do you live on Sharon school RD. ?
by (547k points)

I live in Connecticut

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