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in Fanfiction by (6.1k points)

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enjoy some awkward one-way romantic tension


Chapter 19

Charlie looked around cautiously. He'd been stuck in the belly of that moth creature for a while, so the rush of not-internal-organs was a bit much for him. The stone felt comfortingly hard compared to its squishy insides.

Speaking of the creature, it was lying still next to him, tongue lolling out of its mouth. Looking at it now, it was certainly less terrifying - although he'd never admit he was scared of it at all. Sighing in relief, he turned to his crew.

Alph promptly fell forward and face-planted the ground.

"Uhm." He rubbed his arm awkwardly and looked at Brittany. "I-is he okay, or..."

"No, he's not," she snapped. "He hasn't slept in over a day because we HAD to come looking for you. Can't you even take care of yourself?"

"Yes ma'am," Charlie mumbled, looking at the ground. She was probably right. "I'm sorry."

"You should be. Hey, you three! Go carry him back to the Drake. He's had a long day." A group of small red creatures, quite like the ones he'd encountered before being consumed, lifted up Alph and began walking away with him in tow. Brittany whistled at a few others, calling them together, and followed them. Charlie hurried along as well, not wanting to spend another moment in that damp, shadowy cave.

"So... uh... thanks for helping me out. I-it really means a lot to me, y'know." *Wait, no, that was a dumb thing to say.* He cringed at his own words. "Ahem. I mean... I'm assuming you immediately dropped everything to find me. Well, fear no more! Now that I'm back, we can find the-"

"Mhm. In case you couldn't tell, we already found the Drake. Problem is, the cosmic-drive key is missing. So, yeah, we're stuck here."

She wasn't looking at him. Was she mad at him? *She's mad at me. Oh, man, she hates me. What did I do?*

They'd reached the exit by now. The vast, snowy expanse was a welcome change from the environment of the tunnel, even if it was a little chilly. Snow crunched beneath Charlie's feet, and wind whistled by his helmet.

After a few minutes of silence, they'd reached the Drake. It didn't look damaged, at least. The little creatures set Alph down in front of it, and he was beamed up into the ship's interior.

"We should probably join him," Brittany pointed out. "It looks like it's getting late, anyway. Trust me, there are some things on this planet that you do NOT want to see at night."

"Sure! Whatever you think is right, Brittany." She rolled her eyes, though he couldn't figure out why.


okay that's it. i'm sorry i just cannot with writing rn. urgggggggghhhh. :(

2 Answers

0 votes
by (530k points)

Bro, same with the writing thing x3

I'm working on a short story right now, but the only thing I've managed to do is figure out the title laughing-tears

I just realized that Alph faceplanted because of sleepiness, a cute move x3

I wonder what will happen now that the gang's all together?

by (6.1k points)
yeah. it do be like that lol.

he needs it, he's very tired

also... let the shipping begin >:3
by (530k points)
0 votes
by (156k points)
Well done!
by (6.1k points)

Thank you! tomatoe

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