+5 votes
in Venting by (119k points)

I just wanted to get this out there and I am prepared for 1000 replies to this comment saying that I'm stupid but whatever.

Whether you are male or female is assigned at birth and you cannot change that. People have learned from social media that you are supposed to feel something about the gender you are and if you don't feel something special then maybe it's time to change your gender. This isn't true. In reality, you are assigned your gender at birth by God, YOU CAN'T CHANGE THAT. 

Second, I see that a lot of people on here who decide that they are gay or lgbtq+ are kids who haven't experienced puberty yet. Before I had started puberty, I had made up my mind that I was NOT going to get married. The problem is that when kids who haven't experienced the full force of puberty look at social media and see all these teens being so attracted to other people and they wonder why they don't feel that extreme connection to another person so they start to look to social media for answers. Can you guess what they see? Some weirdo creeps saying they are gonna change genders or that they want to be attracted to people of the same gender as them. So naturally, these kids copy them and then their brain makes you think that there is sooo much joy in being attracted to people of the same gender as you. The problem is that kids who haven't gone through puberty don't full understand what it means to like someone other than the fact that you are supposed to jump around and squeel when someone pecks u on the cheek. 

But then of course, if you are a Christian then the simple conclusion to this perversion is that it was caused by sin.

The other issue that I want to talk about is the way that the world and people who aren't lgbtqla+++++ or gay treat people who are. Most people who are against that kind of stuff (I don't really know how to say it and it takes too long to lol) treat people who are for that stuff really bad. IT IS NOT OK TO BULLY PEOPLE WHO ARE GAY OR LGBTQ+ NO MATTER IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN OR NOT. IT IS JUST MEAN AND IT DOESNT HELP THEM. 

You might say, but I am bi or gay or whatever and I am 17! To that I will say that a lot of people who are like that have decided their sexuality when they were a little kid and didn't know what to think as they got older.

Point 1: People start changing their gender or bi mostly because they see it online and so start to be influenced by it. 

Point 2: Even if someone is gay or lgbtq+ IT ISN'T RIGHT TO JUST BULLY THEM. If someone does try to bully you because of your sexuality just say this, "*wurd* off loser and get a life. Why don't you focus on getting that log out of your eye before tryna get the thorn outa mine!"

Again, this is just my words and I don't want to harm anyone but I just wanted to get that out there. 

Peace rock

by (161k points)
Thx for speaking up

I like how you mentioned that it is also not okay to bully lgbtq members
by (119k points)

10 Answers

+1 vote
by (61.1k points)
Best answer
I get ya. I am not LGBTQ+++++++++ idkkkkkk but im not against it. I am a Christian and i think that’s not what God intended for people, but im not against it. So no harm meant from that answer either
0 votes
by (161k points)
I only partially agree with point one. I do think if you are born male, you are forever biologically male, same with females. Say, a man wants be a transgender female. This man will always be biologically male, but he is legally considered female.

Some people act like they are lgbtq because they think it will get them attention (especially on social media, those people BASK in luxury and protection on Twitter), but they aren’t lgbtq. If you’re lgbtq, you’ll probably stay that way throughout all of the trends in our modern day (unless you become straight, of course).

There is a difference between fakes and reals.

I don’t support lgbtq (I’m not homophobic, transphobic, etc. though), but I do take time to research the community. And to everyone else who doesn’t support lgbtq but isn’t homophobic (I’ll call them neutrals), do the same, please.

I do agree that you shouldn’t be bullied because of your sexual orientation.

Anyways, peace.
+1 vote
by (266k points)
Well said, and I completely agree!

Sexuality is quite literally about physical relationships... Why are so many young kids involved in it?
by (161k points)

wondering what


by (266k points)
I mean, if they're talking about LGBTQ+, yeah. It's literally a a group based of their sexual preference. If a young boy claims to be gay, they are saying that they prefer to have a 'physical relationship' with men. That's literally what LGBTQ+ is, and that's why I'm so weirded out when children decide to join the community.

And technically, I believe age of consent is 16 in the States. If you are under that age, why would you even be worrying about 'physical relationships?' It's illegal for you, even if you consent.

Plus, the LGBTQ+ is infamous for grooming children.

And mb, Hyude, thanks for changing my phrasing. However, why censor it when that is quite literally the definition, and these children talk about it on here all the time...?
by (161k points)
Honestly, I agree.
by (266k points)
No, I get it! Straight young kids also should not be pursuing/ thinking about physical relationships. But there is an increasing problem within the community with children being groomed by adults and traumatizing them at a very fragile period in their lives. And yes, this happens in straight situations a lot, sadly, but this can also result in the child developing mental illnesses.

There is also a whole new issue arising in the community, which is accepting grown adults who have an attraction to children. Try and tell me with a straight face that that is not creepy.

But I also don't think that simply thinking someone is really pretty means that you're gay?

I think girls are SUPER pretty, too! I see a cute looking girl and I'm like, "aw, she's so cute!" And I may think that she is attractive! However, I have no desire to start a relationship with her in that kind of way. Friends maybe, of course, but no romantic relationship.

Anyways, I appreciate your response, PsychoSloth!
0 votes
by (119k points)
I don’t agree in the slightest
by (161k points)
You don’t agree that lgbtq people shouldn’t be bullied?

I get you don’t agree with the first part, but you don’t agree with that?
by (119k points)
I agree I’m the second part, but definitely not the first
0 votes
by (230k points)
I strongly disagree with the 1st part but I respect your opinion. And I’m attracted to my own gender and that doesn’t make me a “creepy weirdo” like you said
by (119k points)
I'm not saying that you are a creepy wierdo. I'm saying that when all that stuff started happening there were a lot of creepy weirdos who decided to put their thoughts out there about how they like people of the same sex as them and then that grew and grew. Before social media, there were hardly anyone who were gay or lgbtqlnafsanio++++++++++++ or whatever. My point was that all this gender stuff is the result of social media and kids being influenced by those creepy wierdos who started this. Back then, people who were gay or lgbtqlnafsanio++++++++++++ were considered creepy weirdos.
by (230k points)
I’m sorry I kinda misunderstood
by (230k points)
I agree and I was about to say that but I didn’t so a war wouldn’t begin-
0 votes
by (529k points)
Okie dokie.
0 votes
by (5.3k points)
It's important to remember that everyone's experiences and identities are valid, regardless of when they realize or express them. It's never okay to bully or discriminate against someone for their sexual orientation or gender identity. Love and acceptance should always be the priority.
by (266k points)
That's... kinda what they said?

Plus, tolerance, not acceptance.
by (529k points)
Why not acceptance? Everyone should be accepted no matter what, unless they are hurting someone.
by (266k points)
Because you shouldn't be forced to accept someone's ideals, but I do agree with at least tolerating them.

I don't force you to accept the Bible and it's teachings, right? But I do ask that you tolerate and respect my choice to be Christian and my faith in the Bible.

Same thing goes for LGBTQ+! Do I agree with anything in the community? No, I think it is very wrong. But I respect their choices (to a degree, just as you would mine), and I hope that no one will force me to accept their morals/ way of living.

See what I mean?
+1 vote
by (206k points)
Hi Just me!

Um I support them and I'm a Christian. U R super lucky no one hated this.

But I kinda agree with U.
0 votes
by (967k points)
I don’t agree with #1 but I’m not gonna argue.

I agree with #2 though.
+1 vote
by (302k points)
i honestly don't know why i read this....

but, yeah. think what you want, you have your beliefs and i have mine.

you can have your opinion, and i think anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community shouldn't be bullied.

but i also think Christians SHOULD'NT boss us around.

alr, imma leave this post.

by (119k points)
Alr ill make sure to :D. jk ik u had a typo lol u might wanna fix that. Christian should NOT boss people around...

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