+7 votes
in Other by (155k points)

1. Stop one-upping people’s posts.

“I have anxiety…”

“yEaH wElL i HaVe dEpReSsIoN sO”

When people vent on their posts, they’re trusting you with information and hoping for help. This is flat out rude and degrading. Stop.

2. Stop making big deals over small things

“YoU aRe sO mEaN bC yOu wOnT dRaW mE”

“I hAtE yOu bEcAuSe yOu hAtE cHoCoLaTe”

“sToP sAyInG tHaT iTs sO oFfEnSiVe”

This is absolutely ridiculous. It’s really annoying and makes you look indecent. Stop being drama llamas. 

3. Stop bullying!

“YoU’rE a JeRk”

“nObOdY cArEs”

No. Stop it. It hurts feelings. I am so tired of people actually BULLYING each other. Do you realize how much you hurt other people? I can’t stand watching other people being hurt like this. Stop it!

4. Stop judging people or their personal opinions!

“ItS sO wEiRd aNd wRoNg tO bE gAy, wHy wOuLd yOu eVeN fAkE tHaT”

“EwWwW cHrIsTiAnS aRe sO dUmB gOd iSn’T rEaL”

“PeOpLe wHo wEaR HiJaBs mAkE nO sEnSe, gEt a LiFe”

“FuRrIeS sUcK, i HaTe tHoSe wEiRdO’s”

This is the worst one of all. RESPECT PEOPLE. I hate seeing this! People get so rude and absolutely disgusting towards each other! This is probably the most hurtful thing, and you look so horrid saying any of this. 


Half of yall are looking like rude pigs who have no thought of human decency. Everyone has their slipups, but some people are CONSECUTIVELY COMMITING KS CRIMES. Stop it! You are being extremely rude, and you absolutely need to step down! Cmon, guys, where are your manners?!

I’m fed up with this. Please stop. I would have put this in kinder words, but I am so tired of this. KT should be a safe place, and ya’ll are making it really difficult to feel comfortable.

Fix your actions, please.

And for those of you who have been targeted by this:

Please remember your feelings are valid. You are valid. You are amazing in every possible way, and I’m sorry people are being such dumpster fires. Don’t listen to them, they don’t matter. What matters is you are doing your absolute best and nothing is wrong with you. No one is better than you. Don’t let others take away your deserved confidence.

Thank you.

16 Answers

+2 votes
by (303k points)
Best answer


i agree with everything you said.

we need to stope hate/bullying and KT should be a safe haven sort of thing.

thanks for bringing attention to this, Sloth ily (platonically ofc, KT)

+1 vote
by (7.6k points)
by (155k points)
Mostly anon users are those that bully.

Some users blame others for dumb things and cause drama.

I don’t want to point fingers though.
+1 vote
by (965k points)

And if I somehow committed any KT crimes by accident (can’t name any though, except maybe some when I was new here), then yeah, I am sorry.
+2 votes
by (228k points)
I felt so offended when Susan said to Joel that "sadly he thinks he can date his own gender"


Also when Carly was too over-stimulated about a party GC was like "dude its a toddlers birthday stop making such a big deal over it" OMG I WAS ALSO FUMING
by (161k points)
I’m fuming at you thinking I’m a bully.

I’m also fuming at you for misquoting me.

How about tone it down, huh?

You’re not innocent either, so I recommend you apologize just in case too.
by (541k points)
I apologize for her.
by (530k points)


by (228k points)
I know you said it. I am not calling you a bully, nor am I saying I'm innocent.
by (161k points)
I did not say “Dude its a toddlers birthday stop making a big deal out of it”, I said “bro it’s just a birthday party”.

Anyone on here can try anything they want to try to stain my reputation, but I wont budge.

Accuse me again.

Good day.
by (228k points)
I’m not trying to make you feel bad, I just now I saw it. She even replied, “that’s not how it is through my lenses”
by (228k points)
Oh my god. I looked up that post again and I didn’t see what you said. Either somebody hid it, or I misunderstood something else you said. I’m really sorry, GC. I should have checked before I accused you. I’m very sorry! I hope you forgive me. I was very wrong of doing that.
by (90.1k points)

Come on what reputation are you staining this is a kids website where we don't know what you look like or who you are so if the next day u decied to create a new profile nobody would know. Stop letting you ego get in the way of trying to be kind.
by (228k points)
I’m not letting my ego get in the way-

I’m genuinely very sorry
by (90.1k points)

I'm talking to GC
by (161k points)
I forgive you, girlpwr4eva.

But Mel, Answer me this:

Why is it so offensive and unkind when I give an honest, no holds barred answer when the person wants an honest answer?


And last time I checked, defending yourself doesn’t mean you’re an ego maniac.

And I did apologize, thank you.

I apologize when I do something wrong.

I have probably committed “KT crimes” without knowing, and that’s why I apologized.

And about the reputation,

Let’s say someone has been here for months trying to help people and entertain people.

This someone has a great reputation.

Another user decides they’re gonna point out someone’s flaws or slip ups.

It gets enough traction, this someone will get their reputation damaged.

And how bout think about your own ego, too?

I’m trying to relax, I’m not in the mood to argue.
by (228k points)
Oh okay Mel but still-

+1 vote
by (116k points)
There are so many things that are logically incorrect about this post but ig I agree with you for the most part.
by (530k points)
by (155k points)
Bring it. What do you think is logically incorrect?
by (116k points)

First of all, you can't lie if you are amazing in every way. You also cannot lie if there is nothing wrong with you. Yet, these underdogs that you talk about have disagreements in different areas which leads to the conclusion that the statement, "there is nothing wrong with you" is incorrect.

Second, you say that "No one is better than you". How is this possible if you are talking to multiple people?

Again, this is all in fun I don't mean to give any negative vibes. You asked so I answered. I like this post but ya. 

Peace rock

by (155k points)
1. That’s supposed to be a nice statement to those who don’t lie. And are bullied.

2. No one is better than you and you aren’t better than anyone, is what I meant! It’s like don’t let others make you feel less important.

Thanks for your opinion :)
by (116k points)
So basically 1. on the previous comment is directed to no one since everyone lies?
by (155k points)
+1 vote
by (29.5k points)
THANK YOU! Louder for the people in the back! Someone needed to knock sense into those people!
+2 votes
by (790k points)
I absolutely agree with this!
0 votes
oOff da SoRry
by (790k points)
its uff da
uff da
by (790k points)
Youre Norwegian
+1 vote
by (541k points)
I agree with you 100%
+3 votes
by (156k points)
Thank you!! Someone finally said something. I've taken breaks bc of this kinda stuff.

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