+6 votes
in Nordic Stuff by (794k points)

here is a silly goofy story on Icelandic snacks

It all started back a year ago, I drove (My mom did) 4 hours just to go to a Scandinavian shop, and when we got there it was epic.

I got some things, I got a Viking World Tour T-Shirt, a Norwegian flag, a Swedish-American flag pin and a cup with the Swedish flag and coat of arms on it.

My Mom got some Icelandic chocolate and it was

 s t r a n g e .

1st of all, I couldn’t read the packaging because it was in Icelandic and even thought i can understand a little, I can’t read or write Icelandic.

Google translate wasn’t translating that day, so I just tried it and it was the worst thing I have ever ate

Icelandic food is one of the things about Nordic culture I don’t like. Earlier that year I tried Skyr (Icelandic yogurt) and it tasted like paper.

my mom loved it, and so she got like 3 more bars.

I may go the store this year during spring break because I am starting my Nordic culture project for my school’s international day so yeh

6 Answers

0 votes
by (550k points)
Best answer
Wasa bread is yum tho.

I chose to bring that in for extra points on the Sweden poster I did for history
by (794k points)
Why did you bring up Wasa bread

I tried it and it tasted mid
by (550k points)
Well.... Wasa bread is Swedish and I thought you were saying you didn't like Scandinavian foods.

I brought it in bc It was for extra credit.

I felt I would get a bad grade on it so I brought in extra credit. I ended up getting full points (and 4/4 extra credit points)
by (794k points)

I didnt bring my wasa bread to my project about Swedish Immigration to America and i got a 90

Hopefully the national Nordic museum dosent see this praying-hands

by (122k points)
don't worry Carly they will
by (794k points)
by (9.2k points)

So, tell me if this is a d u m b question, but does Carly know Inga in real life?

by (122k points)
we dont
by (9.2k points)
Oh, k. It just seemed that u should bc y'all love all this type of stuff lol
0 votes
by (90.4k points)

I love Icelandic Yogurt! THIS OFFENDS ME SO MUCH

(I'm joking no hate)

by (794k points)
Im sorry I will eat Icealndic yogurt 24/7 now
by (90.4k points)
by (794k points)
Uff da
0 votes
by (967k points)
One time, I got some Swedish chocolate, and my dad called me a traitor.

You probably know why.

Anyways, you said you couldn’t read the Icelandic on your chocolate bar, wait until you get your hands on Japanese snacks. I have a whole bunch of them that my grandma gave me and all of the writing is in Japanese. It doesn’t even use the Latin alphabet, so it’s even harder to read.

At least most of them have pictures.
by (794k points)
I want you to ask your dad about the Norway-Sweden Uniom
by (967k points)
Nah, I’m not gonna.
by (794k points)
by (967k points)
Why would I? After all, it’s February 29 and I’m about to visit a nuclear submarine (as part of a class field trip) in a top-secret military base.
by (794k points)
That so epic
by (967k points)
I got back from the field trip and the submarine was EPIC!

First, we ate lunch at a five-star galley and the food there was incredibly good. Then, we went to the submarine and we had to climb down a 30-foot ladder. Then, we got to see missiles and a bunch of technology. We also had to climb down some more ladders and see more stuff.

Also, the bunks in that submarine are tiny. 9 people per room, and the beds are tiny. And there’s 3 beds per bunk-bed, so that means one bed is in the bottom, one is in the middle, and one is at the top.

We also got a free cookie and I wolfed mine down. It was macadamia nut and it was really good.

Then, we went down to the bottom in the torpedo room. We were running out of time so we had to climb back up and climb back up the 30-foot ladder.

Turns out one group (not mine) got potatoes. Yes, potatoes. Don’t ask me why.

Then, when we were walking back to the bus, it was raining and really cold (everyone but me said it was really cold, I don’t get cold) out.

Overall, it was epic for the most part. For the most part because the one person who wasn’t even here was my robotics partner. Dude.

Even worse is that my robotics partner is my crush.

Even more worse is that everyone thinks that I like my robotics partner.

And the worst part? I do. (I’m not saying that I don’t want to like him, I’m just saying that everyone’s bugging me about him and they’re right)
by (794k points)
bro wrote an essay
0 votes
by (122k points)
by (794k points)
0 votes
by (794k points)
+2 votes
by (206k points)
I just ate Swedish fish
by (794k points)

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