+2 votes
in Alpha's Tech Blog by (119k points)

Welcome and thank you for clicking on my first tech blog post! Since this is my first post I will just give a little bit of background and information about myself cuz that seems like the best thing to post at first. 

As some of you know, I'm 15 and I was obsessed with minecraft for like 4 years. Well, I was also obsessed with technology and had already decided that I was gonna work in IT when I grew up because God had given me a natural ability to fix technology. One day, I went into my room and found this massive book on my desk and it looked like this:


Just as a clarification for nerds, this is the newer version of the book and at the time I had the older version but I couldnt find it so I had to take a picture of the newer one. 

At first I had no idea what it was so I went to my dad and asked him what it was. Turns out, it was a study book for the CompTIA A+ certification. My dad and I had a longer talk about what that was and that I should try to get that certification because it will really help me get a head start into the IT industry. So, I spent a couple years studying that book until I felt I was ready to attempt the first half of the CompTIA A+ certification. Tbh, I kind of thought it was going to be like one of those vocabulary tests that I used to take when I was little. Well, my dad drove me out to the test center and I spent 2 hours taking the $250 exam. I failed. At the time I was like 12 so I cried and felt disappointed in myself. Even though I didn't see it at the time, this was actually a good thing that I failed because I was taking the outdated version of the exam that expired in like a month. A few months later, my dad bought me the Updated version of the CompTIA A+ book. I studied and studied for 2 more years and passed both the exams with flying colors. When I passed the second exam (January 19, 2024), I received an email saying that I was officially a certified technician. My certificate arrived in the mail and it's hanging on my wall rn. 99% of the credit goes to my dad who encouraged me the whole way and helped me through every step and trial. 

After that, I didn't want to work cuz STUDYING FOR THAT EXAM WAS SO HARD, so I pretty much just played minecraft all day and got super behind on my school. A month after my exam, my dad and I had a talk and we both agreed that I was addicted to minecraft, so I quit. It was very hard and I had dreams about it for like a month but ya. Since the end of February, I have been working on building a company that I really wanna do. My goal has always been to create the best parental control software which I will talk more about in my next blog post. 

If you guys liked this post just let me know in the comments and I can continue to make posts in my blog. 

2 Answers

0 votes
by (967k points)
Best answer
Man, I love that post and I know you WILL create the best parental control software.

I do know some stuff about parental controls. Most of them are easy to bypass unless you set a PIN and if you still have a PIN, they’re easy to bypass. For one thing, you can just change the date and time to get extra screen time.
by (119k points)

The way my computer is setup my dad has the admin account on it so I can't change the date/time. One thing I can do (which I did) is go into the recovery environment and completely reset the computer. Ofc after I did this I talked to my dad about everything cuz hes like everything to meh. I didn't do it to my main pc cuz my dad spends so much time tryna setup parental controls and I didnt want to reset everything he has done on here. My other pc just had a few parental control things on it so thats why I reset it.

Yanno maybe we could work on an app together some time if u want. It might be fun!
by (967k points)
Yeah I want to work on an app, definitely.
0 votes
by (550k points)
by (119k points)
I loved it but sometimes u gotta sacrifice the things you love if it's gonna interfere with your life


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