+1 vote
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Thank u!

3 Answers

0 votes
by (15.3k points)
I am! Well idk rly what tips to give you but pleeeeassee remember to put “wa” when you need to. I always forget
+1 vote
by (303k points)
i am!! <3

what app r u using to learn?
0 votes
by (155k points)
I am not learning Japanese, but I am learning another language (Spanish), so here are my tips:

-Try and practice a little bit every day (pronunciation, writing, generally speaking). ITTTT HEEEEEEELLLLPPPPSSSS

-Write down words, how you pronounce them, and their meanings. Take notes!!

-Attempt sentences

-Do classes or apps to help you learn!! Everyone talks about how good Duolingo is and they aren’t wrong that it works, I recommend using it! Also, in-person classes or people you know who speak the language, if they are available to you, can be handy to help you learn! (My dad speaks Spanish decently and I can practice with him, I’m also taking a class on it next year lol)

-GOOGLE TRANSLATEEEE. It might sound goofy and google is NOT always right but it’s nice to have on hand for when you forget a certain word

-Repetition is key. Keep saying words until you lose your voice /j

-Try to learn the slang! Some things only tell you the formal way to say things. Find the informal or slang ways of speaking, it can be really helpful!

-I would take note of grammar rules different from English so that way you don’t mix up. For instance I have to make sure that my adjectives come after nouns when I speak Spanish instead of doing it the English way :)

Also, for Japanese, if I were you I would try my best to write and memorize the characters!

It’s pretty cool you’re learning Japanese. I hope this helps you :)
by (790k points)

Me outhere speaking 6 languages bucktooth

by (155k points)
See you can give better tips than me
by (790k points)
use google translate and listen to songs in that language
by (155k points)
That second one is actually a good idea

I should do that
by (790k points)
Its a really good idea

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