+2 votes
in General News by (266k points)


Why, you may ask? Well, here's a few ideas...!

1.) She always has been respectful of EVERYONE'S opinions!

And I truly mean it! Whether you're a therian, Christian, conservative, liberal, LGBTQIA+... Nobi has ALWAYS been incredibly respectful! She and I disagree on quite a bit, but she has always respected my ideas and beliefs, and she has always been kind in our debates!! 

2.) She is silly :)

She's always making little quips and witty remarks! They're quite silly, but also not spam-y giggle Nobi is a large producer of fun and laughs in the community! 

3.) She is a veteran user.

Despite only having her official account for four months, she has lurked here for quite a long time! She is familiar with all the current users and quite a few Alumni!

4.) Nobi is always welcoming new people!

Piggy-backing off the last reason, Nobi has always been so kind to new users and so welcoming- she makes everyone feel at home! Despite her young age, she's like that super cool and older camp counselor everyone loves :)

5.) I am being held hostage by her in her basement as I write this! :D 

So therefore guys, vote for Nobi, because my life depends on it! :D (Jokes a-=D)

In all seriousness though, vote for NobodyImportant! And although we have SOOOOO many great users running for KT president (GC and BraceletGirl, for example download), Nobi is the right candidate for KT president, and I endorse her campaign! So KT users, VOTE FOR NOBI!! :D

Your current KT president,


3 Answers

+1 vote
by (530k points)
Best answer

This honestly means so much to me that I don't even know how to respond x3

Long story short, you can leave my basement now :D



I mean about the basement thing, not the fact that you can leave it x3

[Insert one million (aka not nearly enough) thank yous that the system probably won't allow]

This really, really means a lot to me coming from my big online sister boogie

I still don't know what to say so I just seem awkward right now laughing-tears

by (116k points)
I literally copied and pasted probably 50k thank you!!!s and it crashed this input box. U were right!
by (266k points)
You are so incredibly welcome! You deserve it!! :D
+1 vote
by (161k points)
I know Nobi released you for the basement, but President Biden has authorized Seal Team 6 to raid her house.

To Nobi, when you’re reading this, it’s too late.

We begin bombing in five minutes.
by (530k points)
It's OUR house, comrade—
by (266k points)

Yikes, I'm getting out of here O_o Good luck, Nobi!! :o

by (161k points)
Oh dang the communists rescued you

Just received word from Washington that Seal Team 6 killed most of the commies but they rescued you

Apparently you survived
by (530k points)
I always survive :D
by (161k points)
Sorry to tell you, but we have sent an ICBM to hit the Soviet Helicopter you are in.

It’s an ICBM just to make sure you don’t make it out.
by (530k points)
That was a decoy helicopter. The real helicopter I'm in already landed in Sydney, Australia :D
+1 vote
by (155k points)
by (266k points)

Boostie giggle

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