+4 votes
in Debate by (790k points)
I may get killed for this because I know lots of people (IRL) who have strong opinions on babies.

I am Autistic. As an Autistic person, I do not like loud, unpredictable noises. The only time loud noise is approved is when it's my own music or soothing/positive ambience. Babies are really loud, specially when they cry.

I also feel very uncomfortable by cooing and when adults (specially older adults) baby talk. I always get away from babies

i also dont think theyre cute. I think puppies and kitties (Baby animals in general) arr much cuter because they aren't overstimulating. Human babies look pretty weird to me.

Lastly, the expectacion to like them. Somebody said that humans (specially girls) are genetically programed to love babies. I dont know what issue happened with my genes, I dont like babies. When I tell somebody I dont like them, they either just chuckle and say im.joking, or they call me evil and stuff like that

Im also tortured to watch cocomelon. Which I hate. I want to listen to Sabaton.

Anyways. Bye. Block me, report me do whatever due to my opinion

17 Answers

+1 vote
by (71.3k points)
Best answer
i hate babies

im never gonna have kids tbh

they're so loud and annoying and all they do is eat, cry, sleep and poop and stuff and also i have trauma associated with them


also i dont wanna be prego.. childbirth is painful
by (790k points)
agreed on both points
0 votes
I love babies but it’s definitely NOT evil to not like them and I am sorry if I wrote that wrong but I’m not good at finding the right words sometimes. What I’m saying is that I think it’s fine.
0 votes
by (34.4k points)
I like babies, they're cute, Heck, I'll be an aunt. Call me selfish, but I do NOT want the burden of laboring 1 for about 3/4 of a year, pushing one out while almost DYING, having to sit in the hospital, tired, still taking care of it. And don't even get me started on parenting. Apologies, but it's quite unpleasant. Don't get me wrong, though. I grew up with babies. My 3-year-old sister, cousins, my newborn brother, I love them. However, that's different. That's a sister-sibling relationship. In short, I'll help take care of a baby yes, I'll do what you need me to do. But I won't mother a baby. I've already been a 3rd parent before.
by (64.4k points)
I feel the same, frendo
Well if you put it that way, agreed
+1 vote
by (137k points)
Woah, really? I thought you'd be someone who likes babies. I mean, depending on your definition of "baby," of course. I know and infant might look weird to someone, but when they get a little older, they're definitely cute to me. Are talking about even as a toddler?
by (790k points)
by (137k points)
Um, hi. How have you been?
by (790k points)

Ignore my pfp
by (137k points)
In English, please. I simply cannot understand all these youngum's new terms.
by (790k points)
youre like 15 bro
(im 14 now so ehdi3hbe)
by (137k points)
Alright, fine. But, erm, actually, I'm still 14.
by (790k points)
my pfp is goofy
by (137k points)
I concur.
by (790k points)
by (137k points)
Because it is.
by (530k points)
I'm going to be 14 this month, JJJ x3
by (137k points)
Wow, y'all are so smart. I'd always think of you as being older than myself. You just seem so much more mature.... Happy early birthday!
by (530k points)

Aww, thank you! Actually, you're extremely smart, too, and we're practically the same age x3

Thank you meowla

by (790k points)
My pfp is so scrumptious
by (137k points)

And @nobi, thank you so much! I can only say I have the acclaim for pseudointellegence, but I'm grateful for your acknowledgement nonetheless. I certainly have a lot to do before you can start calling me smart. But as my thoughts relapse, it really is such a different thing to know how you aren't actually as old as me... really?
by (530k points)
Yet x3
by (790k points)


Why is my pfp

s c r u m p t i o u s

by (137k points)
Well, It looks entirely edible to me, whatever it is.
by (790k points)

it's cholera bro T_T

this is the 2nd person who said they want to eat my pfp

by (137k points)

fearoh well

by (790k points)
Dont ask why Cholera is my pfp
0 votes
by (228k points)
Human newborns look like aliens

by (790k points)
I agree with you
0 votes
by (790k points)
Why are people trying to convert me to like babies like no
0 votes
by (228k points)




by (541k points)
But the b@by eva's??

by (228k points)
I will adopt the baby Eva’s and dye their hair

I’ll make sure there Latina with dark brown eyes so they look more like me
by (790k points)
if I do adopt I will adopt a Nordic kid and name him/her after a character from The Emigrants.
by (228k points)
So you’ll  name your kid “Karl-Oskar?
by (790k points)
yes if its a girl Kristina
by (228k points)
I like that name

But it's the name of my demonic narcissistic aunt

You aren't the only one with less than ideal tias

The only aunt I like is one of my dad's sisters shes so sweet
by (790k points)
My annoying aunt's name is Fanny

I hate her
by (228k points)
My super sweet aunt is named Cindy
by (790k points)
my good aunt's name is Marie.

I love Aunt Marie

(maybe it has to do with the fact that she's my only aunt who isn't Venezuelan. She's Mexican and Russian)
0 votes
by (42.1k points)
Yeah babies are difficult to take care of like akari said I don’t wanna be prego either

If I ever want children I’ll probably adopt, it still won’t be a baby though it’ll probably be in between the 5-7 years range
0 votes
I think you just never saw a baby or lulled one to sleep. You should try it, it is so calming.
by (42.1k points)
She has seen a baby and you shouldn’t try to convince her that babies are the best and are little angles she’s allowed to have her opinion she shouldn’t be forced to hang out with a baby if they overstimulate her and I honestly kinda agree with her on basically everything in this post
by (161k points)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, infants suck.

They’re so bad, and they can obviously change. Plus, they’re smart enough to know what makes us mad. It’s insane how ignorant they are. They force us to potty train them and make food for them when they can do it themselves. Like geez, they should get adult status!1!1!!111!!!!!

Saying babies suck is saying that your infant-2 year old self sucked.

Babies freaking rule, change my mind.
Tell them
by (965k points)
A two year old is a toddler, not an infant…
0 votes
You do realize that you were a baby once? If everyone thought like that you wouldn't exist. Mind blower
by (790k points)
I hate being told this
by (530k points)
Why do you hate being told that?
by (790k points)
Because people think that will change my mind
Not really, I think you're afraid that it WILL change your mind.
by (790k points)

I will still hate babies giggle

by (161k points)

Yeah because you hate a lot of lovable things giggle

by (790k points)

I need to protect myself from sensory issues so be quiet haigiggle

by (161k points)

Babies don’t really know what makes you cry so be quiet giggle

by (790k points)
You don't get it, You just don't get it

Saying that I should expose myself to things that overstimulate me is Ableism

Once I had a week-long migraine due to Overstimulation
by (161k points)

I freaking hate how my “friends” treat me yet I deal with it ill (smoking cowboy to flex)

Apparently I’m “ableist” just because I said babies don’t know what makes you cry

I was way happier before my “friends” started treating me like junk. Been like that ever since. Wasn’t for a day, a week, or even a month. It’s ongoing.

by (790k points)

You think that I have something wrong for not liking babies
by (965k points)
I’m using every ounce of my strength to not type the f-word…
by (161k points)

Shatooby mamacooby
by (790k points)
by (965k points)
Dude, I can’t after viewing this thread…
Ha you good, I like you gravitycentered@
by (790k points)
So youre defending him because you think is OK for me to expose myself to overstimulstion?
by (161k points)

You should expose yourself so you get used to it
by (790k points)

There are side effects to Overstimulatinion.
by (161k points)
Explain and I’ll tell you if I changed my opinion
by (790k points)
Sometimes when I get overstimulated for long periods of time (more than an hour) I feel headaches or nausea. Another thing is that sometimes they last a long time, specially from overstimulation. So, If you think I should be near babies, You think it's OK for me to destroy my mental health?

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