+1 vote
in The Archive by (42.0k points)

I was playing Roblox islands I made a copper plate farm and and I wanted to contain it in a build to kinda cover it up so people can’t see the inside and I wanted to know if any of you think I should, here’s a screenshot so you can see it

I drew a simple like diagram (that’s not what it’s gonna look like) so you could imagine maybe how you think it should look, what do you think I should build to cover it up?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (540k points)
Yes maybe
by (42.0k points)
I decided I do want to cover it up so none of my animals that are on my island wander over and somehow break something
by (540k points)
Is it realtme??
by (540k points)
Answer person who is approving lol
by (42.0k points)
I mean it is Saturday


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