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in Technology by
Hi I live in the US and I really want a ipad because my samsung galaxy tab is very small and a little slow for high end games how do I convince my parents for a ipad. And I need it for games, youtube, online books, drawing. And I am 10 I mostly get good grades but my parents still don't listen to me. I just tell them all the reasons to them why I want a ipad but they just don't listen to my reasons. They just say "when you are 18 then you can have one but I am just 10. I need to wait for more than 1000 days for an ipad. I even want a ipad because ipad are larger.
by (33.9k points)

I know your pain.

2 Answers

0 votes
All you have to do is wait for apple to go on discounts so you can buy a MINI IPad because mini iPads have the same good things as a normal IPad just they are cheaper in price.
0 votes
by (33.9k points)

I know what to do, I have a way of things, ask them in a very begging sad tone like this "PLEASE, I NEEd to HAVE AN IPAd just GIVE IT TO ME PLEAASSSE"
at 7:30, then during breakfast, ask them again, ask them during lunch andinner, plus before they go to sleep, repeat this for 2 weeks, and it's basically guaranteed that you will receive it.

by (119k points)
Or your parents will ground u. Or lock you in a dungeon ;D

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