+5 votes
in Ask KidzSearch Staff by (32.0k points)

Hi, KidzSearch, and KidzTalkers, Ik I put this in the "Ask KidzSearch" category, but this post is for KidzSearch and for u guys as well. So...I think KidzTalk is getting a little...PG-13? If you don't know what I'm talking about let me give you some examples. 

1. Language: No f bombs, but the P word have been used, and idk why KidzSearch accepts it for moderation

2. Violence: Articles on extreme topics like s*dicide and political bombs are on here. I have seen young children who are only about 8 or 7 or 9 years old, this stuff might be too scary or violent for them.

3. S*xual Content: There are many topics on LGBTQ+, periods, and that put an effect on my sister, I was opening KidzTalk and there was one of those "Girls Only"! posts, my sister knows how to read, but she's only 7 and period talk isn't that okay for 7 year olds. She was like, "Why does that say, girls only"? I was like, "Oh, umm..they are talking about..private stuff that boys don't need to look at" (I had nothing else to say) Then she just clicked it and I was like no!!!! And she read this post where someone was like, "Do tampons actually go inside your ****"? And my mom was cooking in the kitchen and she heard my sister, and she was like, "What?? Ada, what are you showing to your sister??"

So my sister knows about periods. Besides it makes people uncomfortable to hear topics about breasts and periods, also, now I'm 10, and last year when I was 9, I saw so many posts on KidzTalk about LGBTQIA+ and I was confused and I didn't know what that meant, so I made a post asking "What does LGBTQ+ mean?" Also, now when I think about it, it's kinda embarrassing, cuz, actually...in the past I lied that I was 12, because I thought it seemed cool, and everyone seemed older than me, and now when I think about it, I feel embarrassed that I asked such a question, and people might be like, "HOW DOES SHE NOT KNOW WHAT LGBTQ+ MEANS!!!! SHE IS 12!!!!"  

Anyways, so people responded, "Oh, l*bsian is girlxgirl, g*y is boyxboy, bis*xual (ik I keep using *s but I'm using my school computer and they scan any words that are s*xual) is girl/boy x girl and boy, transgender is girl/boy switching to opposite gender.

I was confused, then I saw a full explination post with all the info I need, and I confused that a girl can be with another girl. I was just confused. I don't mean to be rude to LGBT people, there's nothing wrong with it, I was was confused back then, and now I understand. 

So..just saying, KidzTalk is getting a bit PG-13 now. Take this poll, I wanna see if u guys agree with me.

KidzTalk is rated G! It's not innapropriate!! (8 votes, 42%)
KidzTalk isn't PG-13 or G, but it's PG (2 votes, 11%)
Ur right. KT has been becoming a bit PG-13 (2 votes, 11%)
KT is NOT for kids! It's more than PG-13 (0 votes)
I don't like KidzTalk, it's too innapropriate. (0 votes)
I think it's in the middle of G and PG (1 vote, 5%)
I think it's even safer than G (0 votes)
It's in the middle of PG and PG-13 (4 votes, 21%)
It's in the middle of PG-13 and R (0 votes)
There isn't that much language on KT (0 votes)
There isn't that much violence on KT (1 vote, 5%)
There isn't that much adult content on KT (1 vote, 5%)
Uhm, thanks for saying that, we all understand. BUT, dude, there are kids watching this post man. Chill.
by (32.0k points)

Sorry, also Jane ur back?

10 Answers

+1 vote
by (965k points)

Eh, I think you are going too far. If it were PG-13, then people are gonna talk about violence way more.

I’d say it’s PG.

by (156k points)
PG is worse than Pg13
by (965k points)
I guess you are right.
Really ?
by (52.6k points)
I agree with Uni
by (156k points)
Yeah PG stands for parental guidance. PG 13 stands for parental guidance until 13. But it really depends on the parents. My mom will sometimes let me watch a certain PG movie. But not a PG 13 movie. So you really should just ask a parent before watching anything you have ever watched
by (965k points)
PG - Parental Guidance

PG-13 - Parental Guidance for under 13
by (1.34m points)
Pg 13 is more "inappropriate" than pg, look it up
by (965k points)
You are right
+1 vote
by (52.6k points)
My parents won't let me have KT if this kind of stuff is on KT.
by (156k points)
+1 vote
I kind of agree. I didn't even learn about periods yet and yet I click on a "girls only post". Now I know but at first...it just seemed scary. I admit, I was the one who made the "stop the girl talk" post. :(

I was like barely nine when I saw all these "girls only" posts...

I just seemed freaked out. And I didn't even tell my parents. (I have to sneak on KidzTalk :/)

I'm lucky my mom thought it was time to teach me about periods and get me those books. But still... I just wish she was the one to teach me then learn from posts. :(
by (156k points)
Yeah my parents don't know about it either
by (156k points)
Ik that's why I dislike all the LGBT posts and stuff like that bc parents want to tell their kids those things
+1 vote
by (165k points)
LGBTQ+ is fine so long as long as people don't get explicit with what they say.

For Girls Only posts, it's difficult to find a way to keep older and younger audiences separate from that. Maybe if KS had something like a rating to put on posts when you make one. So basically, when you make the post, there will be a (required?) option to choose a rating like G or PG-13. Obviously, anything past PG-13 would not be allowed. But that way it could help with the audience at least a little bit.

I haven't seen many people really cuss or swear on here. The worst I've heard (and said) is "****", which isn't a cuss word in most families. That said, KS does sometimes prohibit it anyway. I'm aware the sh- word and **** have similar meanings, but otherwise, I've never seen someone actually use the sh- word. And I know like 3 possible p- words so like, idk.

As for the violence. The suicide stuff is normally in Mental Health or Personal and is a way for people to ask for help. I get what you mean, but at the same time, it's kinda similar to the Girls Only stuff in which a rating option might be suitable. For the political stuff, yeah well, it's good to be educated on that stuff tho.


All of this said I think that KS's platform has become mostly early teens and that has shaped some of the content. Some things are still G, but other things have become a bit PG-13. So I'd say that in general KS is about PG as a mix.
by (965k points)
Perfect idea! Then i will have content for me
by (156k points)
Its gonna be a cuss word for me I can't even say dumb or stupid or even dang it
by (965k points)
+1 vote
by (965k points)
Not everyone is older than you! I’m younger
+1 vote
Well, that's kinda true. But like KS said, they're in a difficult situation; because there are kids/tweens/teens of different ages on here, and they might discuss some topics which are not meant for younger children to know. So... IDK.
by (965k points)
Liek meh
by (965k points)
+1 vote
by (965k points)
Welp good luck I’m another young kid
I'm young too, Eloquent.
by (965k points)
I’m younger than u I’m not even 9
0 votes
by (1.34m points)
I think that the term pg-13 is very subjective. Kidzsearch might be like that for you, or it might be milder for others.
+1 vote
by (350k points)
We are in a difficult situation, since a large audience that uses us are kids in middle school where these topics are often discussed. However, we still have elementary school users. There are other sites like KidsHealth that are a lot more graphic, but still accepted. In the past we blocked these topics, but got a lot of complaints from parents and teachers.

If you see anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, just flag the post and our moderators will review it again. We never have any bad language ... not sure where you saw what was mentioned (we use moderators plus automated software that blocks any truly offensive terms).
by (965k points)
Hmmmm idk what she saw
by (32.0k points)

Thanks, KidzSearch. I understand there are kids of different age groups here. And, yeah, actually the first time I had learned about periods was on KidsHealth and they talk a lot about sexual health and use graphic descriptions, I got scared because when they talked about tampons, it was so graphic and disgusting, I had trouble focusing in class. I see why you would get complaints from parents and teachers, but  I was raised in a family, where just a little bit of mature sex talk is going on, they start screaming.

I didn't know you had a system to block inappropriate language,  but I did see someone use the Sh word, they were like, "Oh, sh** I forgot to do that", I don't know, but they used that cuss word, and said they forgot to do something. I have a feeling I remember who it was, but I'm not sure, and if I start complaining "Oh, she did it"! I might start an argument because I'm not 100% sure who did it (I have a bad memory)

So, yeah, I understand.



by (350k points)
We did not find those terms in our database, but appreciate the feedback. We are working on a solution, like maybe requiring a challenge question or task to be answered for sensitive topics that most children could not complete.
by (965k points)
What would it be like
+1 vote
by (101k points)
Yeah, KT is actually PG-13. I think that there is not a lot of you-know-what contact, but the LGBTQ+ and puberty things are... not for 9 and under. That’s why I think Common Sense Media has the right rating. And also, the political bombs and s*icide things aren’t so bad. But I don’t think we should mention IT in the LGBT+ thing.

I know I contribute to the LGBT+ things, I just think that there should be an age limit.
I wonder what kid talk will say?
by (101k points)
KS is a very great site, it just has a few flaws, like any other site!
by (101k points)
Funny, KT just switched the comment into an answer. Coincidence that I was there at the exact moment.
by (965k points)
Yeah actuallly I’m not 9

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