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Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Scientific classification
Blanford's Fox (Vulpes cana) photographed in southern Israel. It is a small fox with a long, bushy tail. The tail is a counterbalance when running or climbing. This fox occurs in the mountainous parts of the Negev and Judean Deserts, on rocky slopes. They feed mostly on beetles, grasshoppers, ants and termites.

A fox is a small mammalian carnivore. They hunt and eat live prey, mostly rabbits and rodents (squirrels and mice). They may also eat grasshoppers, birds' eggs, and even fruit and berries. Sometimes they eat carrion. Foxes are the smallest members of the dog family Canidae.

Twelve species belong to the Vulpes genus of monophyletic "true foxes". There are about another 25 living or extinct species which are sometimes called foxes.

The fox has pointed ears, narrow snout, and a bushy tail.

Foxes are swift and agile runners which live in family groups. A female fox is called a vixen, and a male is called a dog. Foxes' tails are multi-purpose organs. Their bushy tail helps them keep warm while they are sleeping in cold weather. It is also part of the animal's food store for wintertime. Foxes' plump, bushy tail is easily seen, and is used for sending signals to its family members. The tail is also used for balance while running.

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[Official Video] White Winter Hymnal - Pentatonix (Fleet Foxes Cover)

[Official Video] White Winter Hymnal - Pentatonix (Fleet Foxes Cover)
Clarity - Zedd ft. Foxes - Official Acoustic Music Video - Madilyn Bailey & Clara C

Clarity - Zedd ft. Foxes - Official Acoustic Music Video - Madilyn Bailey & Clara C
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