+2 votes
in Mental Health by
Just in case you didn't see there is a warning so don't read if you're sensitive.

So I have a huge problem with hurting myself. It started back in 6th grade. And I don't even have to be depressed. Sometimes I just hurt myself because I'm bored. It's become a big problem and setback in my life. I'm scared to go swimming because of what people will think of me. Thankfully it's not summer anymore though. I don't know what to do because it's become a sort of addiction. My mom takes away my knives and blades and stuff but I always find a way around it. I don't know how to stop even though I go to therapy and stuff like that. Does anyone have any tips? If so please say

4 Answers

0 votes
by (56.8k points)

Um….so. Why do u have knives and blades?  I would try to do something else productive.

0 votes
hi! that must hurt a lot but here are a few things i learned from youtube:

if you feel like it, try drawing something cute or something instead of cutting


take a piece of paper and cut it, then use markers and color stuff onto those cuts to make it look real.
0 votes
by (541k points)

I sometimes feel like ending it all (usually it only lasts a bit) but these usually help me calm down faster.

  1. music (just a few songs) make a special playlist of your favorite songs to listen to until you don't feel like hurting yourself anymore
  2. Whatever clenching your muscles for about ten seconds and then releasing is called.
  3. Time just wait it out until you don't feel like hurting yourself anymore ( if necessary lock yourself in your room and yell when you don't feel like hurting yourself anymore)
  4. ( haven't tried yet but may work) play video games until you don't feel like hurting yourself anymore.
  5. Heavy breathing
  6. Whenever you feel like hurting yourself just scream into a jar or punch something soft.
I probably have more but I can't remember them right now.

Hope this helps. Sorry if it doesn't.

0 votes
i struggle with this too and for me it was to numb the emotinal pain with phisical pain or just because i felt like it i dont know how to help you  but just know your not alone and eventually it will go away when you get older

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