+7 votes
in Other by (165k points)
So my parents are getting really strict about how much I use my devices and there putting parents controls on so I might get caught! And if I do I will probably not be on KT anymore!

I will be on as much as possible!
We well never forget you
by (165k points)
Thank you!

Um who are you?
by (390 points)

7 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
I'm sorry, Blue. :((((((( I get it. When my parents found out, they let me keep using it. But I know every parent is different.

So if you disappear, we know what happened.

:))))) I'm sorry. If you leave, You know at least one person will miss you. You're like a sister to me :)))
by (165k points)
Lucky! Yep I'm reallly sorry!

Aww thank you! I feel the same way about you! I just feel like I've know you forever!
by (147k points)
by (165k points)
Thank you!
0 votes
by (12.9k points)
blue, we will always remember you. trust me, kt will not be the same if you leave.
by (165k points)
Aww thank you, that's very sweet!
+1 vote
by (68.9k points)

Oh... I mean, good luck??? And I'm sorry about that, I can't relate too much, 'cause my parents don't even know what KT or KS is, but I have gotten caught sneaking onto my device at night, and gotten in trouble. But don't worry! You're probably better than me at sneaking! I know I'm not helping, but I'm trying to. Even if you get caught, you can come here now and then, like I do! And I will try and check here more often! ;)

I get busy, I also just forget, and please don't judge me, but I sometimes just don't feel like it. embarrassed_smile

BTW, I have 2 guys at my church that I like, they're in 9th grade though... Tell me if you want more info on it!

I really missed everybody though! <333   I really hope you stay! And if you leave, I'm sorry about it, and for not being here all the time, and please know I love you, and will miss you!!! heart

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (965k points)
Welcome back!
by (165k points)
Thanks! My parents don't know what KT is either I just don't want them to find out! Yah that's what I'm hoping! Yah!

I won't judge you girl! Ik what you feel like, I was inactive for a while too!

Ohh yes tell me more pls! SPILL! lol

Aww I missed u too! np gurl Ik your busy! I love you too!
by (68.9k points)

Thank you, Eloquent! <3

Oh, cool, thanks. So, they're both Korean (Korean Youth Ministry), and I met both of them at a Summer retreat a little more than a month ago, they were in the same group as my brother. That's how I saw them, I never talked to either of them though, hehe. Um, so one of them is John (his real name), he looks kinda nerdy/smart (he also has glasses), but he's actually very sporty, and he kinda has a baby face, my friends say that, and so do my parents and brother. That may be why I like him, 'cause in my opinion, he looks cute, and part of it could be because I like taking care of younger children/babies, so yeah. And I figured this out after the retreat, but at my church, we have family meeting groups, every other Saturday (not in the summer), and there's a group leader (family/adults). So John, turned out to be my group leader(s)' nephew! And I was so shocked, I'm kinda thinking of telling John's mom that I like John, so she can set us up (to talk). But I'm nervous, and she might not like the idea of me liking him, although she and my mom are friends-ish.

Anyways, the other guy's name is Fran (real name), his actual name is Francisco, but people just call him Fran. He's kinda chubby, not really though, and he wears glasses, and has curly hair. He and my brother seemed to get along well enough at the retreat, but now I don't know if they talk or not, I don't think they do. Fran also goes to the same HS as my brother, but they don't have any classes together, other than that, I have no connections to Fran. sad_smile

I've made eye contact with them quite a few times, especially with John at the retreat, but I'm pretty sure that they don't like me. confused

I don't really know what else to say, if anything comes to mind, I'll tell you! ;)

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (965k points)
You’re welcome!
by (165k points)
Thanks! :)

DON"T TELL HIS MOM!!!! That's like the worst thing to do! Bc then she'll think it's so cute that you have a crush on her 9th grader, and she'll tell ur mom and then ur mom will tell your family and then your brother will tell him!!!

I love little kids! There is this cutest little girl at our church she's two and half Indian (like from India) and half American and she's adorable! Sorry rabbit hole!

Ohh that's cool! My crush has glasses, but he only wears them for reading!

Have you ever had a guy kiss you? Sorry, that's a little personal feel free to not answer!

Do you have a phone? Maybe make gc with all the kids from you youth thing!

Idk I'm kind of having trouble with my own crush probs! lol!

Thanks for typing all that tho!
by (68.9k points)

Oh, well, my parents and my brother know I like John, my brother also knows that I like Fran. And he hasn't told either of them, they're not that close. Aww, she sounds cute! Cool. Um, no, never, I want to have my first kiss soon though, especially from John! embarrassed_smile

This dude named Joshua used to like me, I told him that I liked him back, but I stopped liking him soon after, he wanted to kiss me though, lol. Joshua's a 9th grader now, and he used to go to my old church, but he moved churches, and then I moved churches too, and now we go to the same church.

I don't have a phone, I have a Samsung tablet though! I have Snapchat on it, and me and my church friends have a GC.

Ooh! Care to tell me more?

No problemo! ;)

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Oook! Well then! Ur brother sounds much nicer than my sisters! lol

Me too! But I don't really thing there's anything I can do to hurry that up!

Wow that sounds like fate! I get it tho! I don't really want to kiss anyone that I don't like! This boy did hold my hand once. . .

And these boys at camp where trying to flirt with me and my friend! He asked for both of our phone numbers at the same time! But he looked like a 9 yr old!

Cool! Sure I will tell u more when I have time to type a long post!
by (965k points)
My sister just annoys me by slapping me.
by (165k points)
The 2 yr old?
by (965k points)
by (165k points)
I'm sorry!
by (965k points)
It’s fine.
by (68.9k points)

Haha, so did you and your friend reject the dude? Thanks blue, I'll be waiting for the post! Please tag me in it! Ooh, Eloquent, that's sad, feel bad for you. Do her slaps hurt at all though?

~ Your guys' friend, Wraya <3

by (965k points)
Most of the time, they don’t hurt, but she slapped me hard a couple of times.
by (165k points)
That's good! Well, yk the "Terrible Two's". Ofc Wraya! It might be a while tho! I just made a song post tho!
by (965k points)
I didn’t have the terrible twos, but I had the terrible threes and frightening fours (I made that up).
by (165k points)
That's a good one!

I was talking about ur little sis!
by (68.9k points)

Okay. <3

Blue, I'll check it out.

by (68.9k points)

Oh wait, I can't find it. Could you tell the name of your post?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

It's called: Forgetting (song!)

by (165k points)
Yes we did reject him! But he and his friend wouldn't stop staring at us and flirting!
by (68.9k points)

Oh, okay! <3

by (165k points)
by (965k points)
What are you talking about…
by (165k points)
Camp, boys being boys, flirting. crushes.
by (965k points)
That reminds me…
by (165k points)
Of what???!!!
by (68.9k points)

I'm so confused now..?

by (165k points)
by (965k points)
Of absolutely nothing.
by (68.9k points)

oh lol

by (165k points)
I'm still confused!
by (965k points)
About what?
by (165k points)
About the convo!
by (965k points)
I’m pretty much confused too.
by (165k points)
lol ;P
by (68.9k points)

Oh well, I guess this convo is over now??

by (965k points)
Yup. Let’s just end it in 5…





*Never Gonna Give You Up music starts playing* Wait, WHAT?! I just fell for another rickroll… It is my favorite song though!
by (165k points)
If u want! I would love to keep talking if your interested!

How long r u going to be on KT??
by (965k points)
You talking to me?
by (68.9k points)

Hey blue, if you're talking to me, which I think you are, because you asked how long one of us would be online, and I don't come online a lot. So if you meant me, idrk how long imma stay. I think maybe until next week's friday? Since Winter break is coming up.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Cool Elo!
by (165k points)
Ok Wraya! I'll hope you'll stay longer tho! I've really missed u!
by (68.9k points)

I guess I'll come online as often as I can! <3

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Thanks :D

I understand that your busy tho!
by (68.9k points)

I keep losing my time to go on KT sryy

by (965k points)
It’s fine! Anyways, welcome back!
by (68.9k points)

Thank you! I really missed you girl!

by (965k points)
You’re welcome!

It’s already been 3 days since I last replied? Man, time flies by quick.
by (165k points)
by (965k points)

It’s fine! Anyways, welcome back!

I made that comment 4 days ago now.

0 votes
by (266k points)


Dude, I don't wanna lose you!! You're suck an important part of the community, and I would miss you SO SO SO SO SO SO much!! T_T

I'm sorry :(((

Can you use incognito mode on your device!? :O That's what I do- haven't been caught yet a-B)

Well, I suppose we'll see how it goes... Praying you get to stay!! 


by (165k points)

Thank you!

I really really don't want to leave! That's what I am doing ,but this parent control app can see your router history ( u can't delete that)

Thank you! I am too!

I LOVE YA'LL! heart

by (965k points)
Maybe use a different WiFi connection?
by (165k points)
Maybe! :D
by (165k points)

I just realized you said I'm "Suck an  important part of the community,"


by (266k points)

OH NO jawdrop LOL

by (165k points)
+1 vote
by (530k points)

I don't want to lose a comrade!

Even though I'm not religious, I know you are, so I will pray that you don't have to get off.

by (165k points)
Thank you! That means a ton!
by (530k points)
Np! And I mean it!
by (165k points)
0 votes
by (550k points)
Wow that's sad
by (165k points)
It is :(
+1 vote
by (965k points)

I really hope you don’t leave!

And your parents sound really strict. My parents just tell me to not go on YouTube and not share personal info. (I’m trying to delete the personal info I shared on KT, but I can’t find most of it) So I feel very bad for you.

by (165k points)
They are! Thanks! :)
by (965k points)
You’re welcome!
by (156k points)
Yeah according to that post you posted like 2 months ago your parents aren't strict at all.
by (165k points)
Are you talking to me or Elo?

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