+3 votes
in Invention Contests by (10.1k points)

Make a fictional story the deadline is January 3 DO NOT COPY I WILL CHECK!!

1 Answer

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by (550k points)


Steve was about to leave his house for the morning. When he looked out his window he saw a illager raid he knew he didn't cause it because he always has milk in his inventory in case he ever needs to instantly clear a status effect. As far back as he remembered, he had been the only one in the village; well, except for the villagers. He then noticed a tiny house made of oak planks. Steve was confused, then he saw someone he had never seen before. The other person was being chased by two creepers and an illager chasing after her. When she got to her house , the creeper blew it up. She went to a villager's house and the creeper almost blew up the entire house. Steve was worried. The other person would destroy his village! Steve ran out of his house enchanted diamond sword in hand. He ran up to the creeper and destroyed it along with the whole illager raid. 

He then said "Please get out of this village, this is my village and you nearly destroyed one of my villager friends' houses!" 

The new person said "Oh I'm sorry. I am new to this difficulty level." 

Steve nodded and said "That sounds like an excuse to me!"

"It's not. I really am new to this difficulty"

Steve said "Okay, you can stay at my house until your house is rebuilt."

The new one blubbered "But, that house took me four days to build. Because I kept getting killed by hostile mobs. Even phantoms!"

Steve said "Okay, please tell me you had or have at least a bed, crafting table, sword and pickaxe"

The new one shook her head no and said "No"

Steve nodded and said "Well, my house is right over..."

He looked at where he thought his house used to be and saw it was just a hole in the ground. 

Then he looked at the new one and yelled "YOU DESTROYED MY HOUSE!!! WHY?!" 

The new one looked at Steve and said "Geez dude, isn't that your house?" and pointed at his house.

Steve looked where she was pointing and said "Yes. Hey, how come you know what house I came out of but don't know you are not supposed to build at night?"

The new one said "Well, I am just not good at this game! Is that a crime?!"

Steve looked at where the new one's house once stood and then back at the new one and said "If you want to live in my village it is! Now come on let's get you inside the mobs will come out soon." 

The new one ran away and Steve repaired the village house and the land that was destroyed by the creeper then ran back to his house. 

The new one was still outside his house and said "Excuse me, help me get into this house. 

Steve pulled the lever which pushed a piston with a granite block out creating a bridge over the lava trap. They went into Steve's house.

The new one was impressed about how big it was. Steve went over to one of his bookshelves and pulled down a book that was called "Difficulties with players". Steve flipped to the normal difficulty chapter and saw that she wasn't in there. Then he looked in the peaceful mode chapter and saw she was there.

by (10.1k points)
Ok ,thanks when 2 more people write one I will announce the winner

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