+3 votes
in Lori’s Super Duper Awesome Blog! by (34.4k points)
Okay, let me explain. Let me pick a random name, like Ami. Yeah. So today,  I was sitting next to Ami today in class for partner work. She's one of my best friends in real life, and I'm quite fond of her. She was talking with um... a boy let's call Max. Max is dating a girl named Kimmy? Ami is friends with Kimmy. She acts so happily when she comes around, jokingly "flirts" with her. She's chill with it. Ami is dating a boy, and she's straight fyi. Well, she told Max that she doesn't like Kimmy at all and that she's kind of annoying. Because of this, including behaviors in the past, I don't know if it'll be me next. I just need some help. Might post about it later. Can y'all help me? It would make my day about 20% cooler. Thanks if you even got this far!

3 Answers

0 votes
As someone who is great at faking friendships (I faked one for six years bc I didn't have the heart to tell the girl i hated her) I think your friend might be playing you. I could be wrong and I hope I am but it might be that. Or if it's not that, Ami besides the guy she's dating, likes Max. She probably wants to get Max to notice the flaws in Kimmy so he notices her instead, that's actually something a girl in my class did to me once. No matter which option it is I hope it all works out. For advice though I would have to say try to talk to someone you trust like your parents or a consular. Or if your like me don't say a word about and do some digging. Talk to other people see what Ami has said about you to other people.

I hope this goes well for you. I wish you didn't have to go through something like this bc it does suck. Hope this helps and best of luck.
by (116k points)
Thats messed up.
0 votes
by (137k points)
Well, I obviously can't make as good as a decision as you can, given that you have more context, but from what I hear, you're okay. I'd think that if you're one of her best friends, she would appreciate you equally.
0 votes
by (549k points)
Well... Talk to your counselor they can probably help more than us
by (34.4k points)
in this context, that's not quite a good idea... however thanks for helping out!


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