+3 votes
in Fiction by

"One upon a time, where the mermaids and otters play-"

"UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Said Grace. She had taken ALL DAY to write her poem for her school poem day. "Why can't I be PERFECT like my tWiN SiStEr GrAcY?"

Gracy was her obnoxious sister who was always being surprised with presents and gifts on their birthday while Grace got socks and ugly sweaters from her grandma.

"Hello, dear sis! What you writin' bout'?" Said her sister, who, in her head, wasn't even caring.

"oh, it's YOU. What are you doing in my room, little Miss "I want my OWN living space!"?"

"Oh nothing....."

Grace looked at her and winced. *Why did I have to be born with this GERM?* She said in her head. "Pfft! I KNEW yoy were an alien...."

She was watching her DISGUSTING sister spray perfume under her neck. 

"Why do girls like YOU always  put on pink cutesy make-up?"

'Maybe cuz WE'RE not GOTHIC!"

Well, Gracy WAS right. Grace ALWAYS put on black Gothic make up that kinda looks like this:

*No copywrite*

But her sister, Gracy, always wore makeup like THIS: *ew* 

*ALSO not copywrite*

The sisters had ALWAYS hated each other, even from BIRTH! That's why they were separated

so they would miss each other and  realize how bad they want to be together again. But THAT didn't work, so the parents, Julia and Sam, decided to separate the two ladies into different bedrooms.

Anyway, Grace and Gracy decided to go to the mall to buy clothes. Here is what they bought:



They only had 20 dollars each so they really thought about what they wanted. For a long.Long.Long. Time.

Part 1 is over! I hope you like it! I'll be making a book series! And in case I stole someone's idea or picture without knowing, here: 

U.S. copyright law provides copyright owners with the following exclusive rights: Reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords. Prepare derivative works based upon the work. Distribute copies or phonorecords of the work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership or by rental, lease, or lending.

I have no idea what any of this means, but I think it's good to add it just in case. I learned this from  youtube videos and compilations of Asmr videos that the owner of the video doesn't own.

Also sorry if there are any spelling errors. If there is anything you think i should fix, then tell me!

2 Answers

0 votes
by (965k points)
Best answer
Meanwhile, I don’t put on any makeup.

Anyways, good series so far! Write more, and maybe even publish it!
+1 vote
by (214k points)
Cool story! :)

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