+10 votes
in Personal by (156k points)
Read the title^^^
I can tell u that I've kissed people since 1st grade -10th(this year) for a while. FYI I'm a girl
by (156k points)
Well that's mean 1st Isn't a big deal but ever year???
by (156k points)
Yeah .  
by (156k points)
Sry but did you have the same boyfriend or different ones each year? Btw do you live in Colorado?

23 Answers

0 votes
by (116k points)
In like 5th grade I was madly in love with this one girl and she sat in my lap on a swing and I kissed her on her cheek. That is the only romantic thing I have done sense then besides staring at this other girl I am madly in love with who has no idea who I am :D
by (266k points)

Wait that's actually so innocent and cute innocent

by (116k points)
Thanks. Sadly, she turned out to be a terrible arrogant jerk and all she wanted was to be like all hte other "cool" girls in movies and her family ended up in a mess. I feel bad for her but at the same time she was a jerk.
+1 vote
I almost kissed my crush. We kinda knew we both liked each other and it was my last day at school before I had to move and we stood close to each other looked at each other and maybe this didn't happen but it felt like we started leaning into each other. Unfortunately it didn't happen and either way I wouldn't want most of the 5th and 6th grade seeing me make out.
+1 vote
*laughing*oh ho ho ho so romantic textin' your crush and putting your head on his shoulder and hugging him soooo romantic D I have had piggy back rides on a boy and hugged him like also we became bf and gf A little while back I and I think I'm gonna ask another guy out cuz we broke up bc I moved away
by (965k points)
We never said it was very romantic.

Or at least, I didn’t.
+1 vote
by (132k points)
I've held a dude's hand (back in kindergarten)

I texted my crush and he sent me the kissy lips

That's pretty much it
+1 vote
by (266k points)

I don't think I can say giggle

by (530k points)
by (266k points)

It wasn't like, yk, THAT bad, but yk, it was... Interesting laughing-tears

Too bad I wasted all that time and energy on such an idot -_-

by (530k points)
*makes villager noises*

I'm intrigued but will not press further unless you want to give up info which you probably do not x3
by (266k points)
Okay, but I need to think how to keep it PG.

by (530k points)


I always ignore warnings :D

Jkjk lol

by (119k points)

I really wanna know
by (119k points)

Is it *ahem* that?

by (266k points)

OKAY not like that quite yet... But something similar... 

+1 vote
by (14.0k points)
Uhm in kindergarten (when I had my last bf) I held his hand. That's the most romantic thing I've done (I'm in 4th grade)
+1 vote
by (965k points)

Hmm, let’s see…

  • I’ve hugged my crush WAY too many times
  • I’ve put my head on his shoulder twice…
  • I don’t know what else.
0 votes
by (155k points)
I have a new one

Texting my crush and it actually turns into a sweet and not awkward conversation
0 votes
by (90.1k points)
Umm I hugged someone
0 votes
by (31.4k points)
Me and my girlfriend(now ex girlfriend)used to hug and kiss

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