+9 votes
in Guess / Riddles / Quizzes by
Attention Harry Potter fans! This quiz has questions about Harry Potter characters. Type your answers in the comment/answer box and type the result commentary in the comment/answer box (cite your sources).
1. Harry Potter goes to ____________ and plays ____________
A. Gryffindor, Quidditch
B. Slytherin, Widditch
C. Hufflepuff, Midditch
2. Hermione _______s a lot and goes to _________________.
A. Colors, Hufflepuff
B. Writes, Sytherin
C. Reads, Gryffindor
3. Ron's last name is __________ and he goes to __________.
A. Westly, Hufflepuff
B. Wrestly, Slytherin
C. Weasly, Gryffindor
4. The language of snakes is called _______________. One who speaks it is a ________________.
A. Patsiltounge, Patsilmouth
B. Parseltounge, Parselmouth
C. Passeltounge, Passelmouth
5. Moaning _________ haunts the _________________ at Hogwarts.
A. Myrtle, girl's bathroom
B. Melvin, boy's bathroom
C. Michael, janitor's
6. ______________ teaches _____________ at Hogwarts.
A. Professor Stem, Herb Education
B. Professor Sprout, Herbology
C. Professor Sage, Herb Economics
7. Which of these is NOT a Harry Potter villan?
A. Sirius Black
B. Professor Quirrel
C. Snape
8. Snape teaches _________ at Hogwarts. He hates ____________.
A. Potions, Harry Potter
B. Potion Economics, Hermione
C. Potion Education, Hagrid
9. In ________________________, Hagrid can be found holding a ____________.
A. Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, rabbit
B. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azakaban, rat
C. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, rooster
10. Gilderoy ___________ writes __________ books.
A. Lockhart, expensive
B. Luckhart, inexpensive
C. Duckhart, popular
Answers: 1. A, 2. C, 3. C, 4. B, 5. A, 6. B, 7. C, 8. A., 9. C, 10. A
1-4: Don't hate this score like Snape hates Harry Potter! Instead, read (or reread) Harry Potter, retake the quiz, and you might be as smart as Hermione!
5: You only need to hit the books a little more (not Lockhart's expensive ones, but the Harry Potter books!)
6-10: Not even You-Know-Who has the power to defeat this score!

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (134k points)
Best answer
1: A

2: C

3: C

4: B

5: A

6: B

7: None of them are Harry Potter villains

8: A (but Snape doesn't hate Harrry, at least, not necessarily)

9: C

10: A
+1 vote
1. Harry Potter played Quidditch, and house is Griffindor.

2. A is the correct  answer. Hermione does read a lot, and that's why she should have been sorten in Ravenclaw, but is in Gryffindor.

3. Ron's last name is Weasley, and is sorted in Griffindor. Although, he should of been sorted into Hufflepuff, considering his lack in school.

4. A is the correct answer

5. Moaning Myrtle haunts the girls bathroom.

6. The correct answer is B.

7. For this question, the correct answer is a and b. Because, Snape isn't a bad guy, I consider him more heroic than Harry. Although, Sirius is also not a bad guy.

8. For question 8, it's a. But, Snape actually loves Harry because of his lover for his mother, Lily Potter.

9. For this question, the answer is a. I'm not sure, to sure about this one though..

10. Its a. That's the correct answer.

Have a great day!
+1 vote
by (45.3k points)
1: A


3:C (You spelled Weasley wrong)




7:A and C




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