+6 votes
in Other by (155k points)
Tell me one of your insecurities or anxieties that you have. I am going to make you feel better about it. It’s my attempt to make you people happy!

Do describe it a bit, like why you feel that way. The more info I know, the better I can assure or whatever I’ll do.

I can tell you one of mine if it makes you more comfortable telling one to me. I hate of my toxic traits. I do this thing people call “humble bragging.” I tend to brag, and quickly realize my mistake. But because I don’t want to admit to it because I’m already embarrassed enough (no it’s definitely not because of my stubborn butt),  I normally try to cover it up by saying things like “It’s not a big deal or anything.” I gotta start watching my mouth RIP

So tell me.. what is one of your anxieties/insecurities?

8 Answers

+1 vote
by (119k points)
I don’t ever talk about this but

1. I think Im ugly( face, hair, too skinny  etc)

2.I’m lgbtq which is hard

3. I have anxiety and adhd

4.  No one understands me
by (965k points)
You’re not ugly! You’re epicly beautiful like everyone else in the world!

Also, I relate to 4 on a smaller level.
by (155k points)
Everyone’s hard on themselves. And so you can’t believe yourself sometimes. Like I’ve said before, ugly doesn’t really exist, it’s just an opinion- an opinion that doesn’t matter. You’re an amazing, pretty human being and everything that Elo said already. Whats inside is what counts, anyway.

I’m Lgbtq+ too, I get it. It sucks sometimes. But you’ll always find people who understand (I’m right here!!) and can help. The crazy, homophobic world we’re in is strong, but I’m sure you could be considered even stronger.

Anxiety and ADHD is nothing to be embarrassed about. I have anxiety, and two of my close family members (including my brother) have ADHD. I get that it’s really annoying, but it’s a part of you. Also I’m pretty sure that with the right treatment both of those can be eased.

Hey, I think I understand you. And you understand yourself, right? (I honestly feel that way too though, I don’t even think I get myself lol). It may not feel good, but trust me, when you’re older you’ll feel more understood. I promise.

Thanks for being willing to talk about this to me :)
+1 vote
by (114k points)
I have never told anyone this but:

1) I hate my body

2) im insecure about my anxiety attacks

3) i feel like no one understands me enough to be my friend

4) i can't come out to people

by (965k points)
Everyone’s beautiful, obviously!

Also, the first part of 3 I relate to. I can’t exactly be on a personal level with a friend.
+1 vote
I've always been really scared to answer this, but here goes:

1. I absolutely hate what I look like.

2. I barely have friends.

3. I'm suic*dal, and I have begun to SH.

4. I'm LGBTQ+, which, of course, makes life hard because of SoCiEtY.

5. People talk about me/bully me behind my back. *singing* SeLf EsTeEm LoW.
by (114k points)


That honestly made my night. Thank you so much.

by (119k points)
you are awesome

That won’t ever change

Please don’t sh
by (114k points)
by (965k points)
+1 vote
by (228k points)
i kinda have a mustache if you look really REALLY REAAAAALLY close at my face, its so embarassing. once, a particularly annoying girl in my girl scout group pointed it out and said, "HEY LOOK! (my name) HAS A MUSTACHE!!" i was so embarassed, but i dont think anybody heard, thank nobby
by (530k points)
You're welcome.
+1 vote
by (965k points)
I unconsciously brag a lot. I know this because several people on Roblox have pointed out that I was bragging.
+1 vote
by (132k points)
Thinking im too skinny. Also, I think my face is ugly.
by (155k points)
You can’t really change your body shape but you know what? If you’re healthy, it’s good to be skinny. You’re probably not as skinny as you think though! Also I’m skinny and deal with the issues such as poking extra holes in belts so I feel you.

There is no such thing as ugly. Everything is different. You’re probably really pretty. I’m sure someone admires your face. Everyone’s insecure of their looks, but people still admire them over it. Don’t think that, because nobody can ever be called ugly!
by (132k points)
+2 votes
Oof, I'm supposed to pick one?

How about I give you a list and you pick?

I have:

Social anxiety

Facial and body dysmorphia (basically I hate my face and body and looking in a mirror makes me hate myself even more)

Depression and sewerslide


Worrying about others way too much

I make fursuits, which society thinks is weird because of course they do.


Ahaha I have more issues than that but...yeah.

- Dino
by (228k points)
what is sewerslide
Its s*icide. I'm s*icidal. I don't know if KT will even let this go through, but its not fun.

- Dino
by (530k points)
Oh, and apple variety isn't fun either, so I get you, Dino :).
by (155k points)
Society can be so scary these days. Social anxiety is a reasonable thing. It can be overwhelming and so annoying, but it isn’t super irrational.  

It’s okay to not like how you look. But ugly doesn’t exist. It doesn’t matter how you look either. You are an amazing person, that’s what counts.

Yeah, I have depression and suicidal thoughts too. But you know what? Depression can be cured. You’re cared about, people understand you, you’re loved. Certain people may not show you that, but others will.

Everyone overthinks things sometimes and actually it’s been one of my recent issues. But it’s a habit you can work on. In certain situations, it can be okay to overthink too. Like life or death especially. You want to think long and hard sometimes.

And I don’t get societies hatred towards fur suits and just furries. It’s a fine thing. People have some opinions that sometimes we really have to ignore.
+2 votes
by (550k points)
I'm afraid of jumpy dogs.

I'm why.
by (155k points)
ME TOO. That’s pretty normal actually. If you can get yourself more used to dogs, you might be able to make yourself feel better.

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