+7 votes
in Fiction by (161k points)

Luke and Ray woke up. They got ready to deploy. They would penetrate deep into the jungle, forcing their way through and assaulting the base. Ray got his M60, and Luke got his M16A1. They got on the chopper and set out to go to the jungle. They dropped in with 42 other men, all gathering together, with Lieutenant Cooper telling them the plan, which was to split up in groups of 4, surrounding the base, and then assaulting as one group. They moved out, with Ray and Luke teaming up with two soldiers named Matt and Will. They moved in, quietly killing some Vietnamese guards, and crawled the rest of the 100 yards. They saw the base, and it was much bigger than expected. They again stealth killed the guards, and moved in. They kicked open the door, seeing two Vietnamese soldiers, and opened fire. Will got shot, but survived. The two soldiers were dead. The men all moved throughout the building, clearing it out. They called in an extraction and went outside. All of a sudden, Matt and 6 other soldiers were immediately shot dead, and the team went back inside. They decided to spread out, and opened fire on the massive Vietnamese group of soldiers, which outnumbered them 10-1. 370 vs 37. The Marines were winning the firefight, killing multiple soldiers, and not losing any so far, only a few being wounded. Cooper ordered Will, Ray, and Luke to go to the top floor and survey the forces. They obeyed, going to the top quickly. They saw the amount of soldiers, and one noticed them. The soldier opened fire on Will, wounding him in the shoulder and sending him down the ladder, still wounded. Luke rushed down to help him while Ray opened fire on the soldier with his M60. He killed 10 of them before retreating to the building again. They took Will down to the second floor, when, a bullet suddenly hit Will, right in the forehead. Luke and Ray immediately ducked down, while seeing Will’s dead body bleeding out. There was a sniper in the vicinity. They told Lt. Cooper to get their sniper, Corporal Hill, to find the enemy sniper and kill him. Corporal Hill was one of the best on the battlefield, racking up 34 confirmed kills and 62 unconfirmed kills. He killed every. Single. One of those soldiers using one bullet each. He asked for Private Evans to be his spotter, as Evans had great eyes and could easily spot the sniper. They got to the fourth floor, where Evans spotted the sniper. He pointed it out, and then was shot in the head, dying instantly. Hill was unfazed at the sight of Evans’ dead body, and carefully moved in. He got close to the window, where he took a quick peak, and immediately saw the glint of the sniper, and ducked immediately, narrowly avoiding the shot. He shot at the sniper with a shot of his own, which missed too. The two were in a close battle for about 12 minutes, when Hill was shot in the thigh. Hill yelled in pain, but found the strength to aim his sniper at the enemy’s chest, right before the other sniper pulled the trigger, and shot him, not only wounding his chest, but falling down 30 feet, adding to the injury. The sniper shortly after died. Hill retreated to the 1st floor, confirming that the sniper was dead. They treated his wounds, and then called in air support. Little did he know, the Vietnamese called in reinforcements at the same time, as their forces were cut to 100, and the Americans still had 33. The air support came in 5 minutes later, killing the rest the 100, but 500 fresh soldiers came in. Cooper told his men that it was inevitable that they would die, so he told them to make their shots count, and to die like men, because it was their last stand. They agreed, but told him to call in reinforcements. He said that it would take too long for reinforcements to come, and they would be overrun by then. He did NOT outrule the possibility of more air support though, and attempted to call it in. 1st time, failed. Second time, success. He was told it would arrive in 15 minutes. In the meantime, he told his men to evacuate out the back. They obeyed, and went out the back. They retreated, with the vietnamese following them. Ray was shot in the back, and yelled in pain. Luke carried him, running along the way. He eventually wore out and dropped Ray, with the Vietnamese not too far behind them. “RAY, YOU CAN STILL RUN! GO AHEAD, I’LL HOLD THEM OFF!” Luke yelled. “Luke- I- I can’t-” Ray replied before being shot in the back of the head, killing him, and splattering blood on Luke’s uniform. “NO! DONT YOU DIE ON ME! DONT YOU DIE!” He yelled before being pulled behind the trees by Lt. Cooper. “RUN, YOU IDIOT! WE GOTTA LEAVE HIM BEHIND!” He yelled. Luke reluctantly obeyed and ran. The air support came, and killed the majority of the vietnamese. There was still 150 vietnamese however, and they caught up with the marines at the extraction point. The Marines saw the Vietnamese as they were running out, with the lead one pointing his AK-47 at Lt. Cooper. Cooper accepted his fate, but a helicopter came in at the last second, firing its machine guns at the vietnamese, killing many of them, and the rest retreated. The 27 remaining Marines got in the helicopters and returned to base, being scarred for life, and having permanent trauma. Luke and the rest of the platoon scanned the area, and looking for bodies. Luke found Ray’s body, and started to tear up. Eventually, he started to cry. “Ray, you idiot, why didn’t you do what i told you to do?” He said, still sobbing, “Why did you have to go, Ray? Why?” He said while heavily sobbing. He knelt down next to Ray’s dead body, and kept sobbing. He asked God why he had to take Ray from him, because Ray was a brother to him. He continued to sob, while other men put his body in a body bag, zipped it up, and Luke, still crying, saw the bag being carried to the chopper and flown away.

50 years later

“So, what did you say it felt like?” Luke’s therapist asked. “It- it feels like-

He’s still here.”

so, thats the finale. Hope you enjoyed that depressing ending. Goobay.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (530k points)
I still have hope that he somehow faked his death—

Great ending! Though, I am a little angry that you'd end the whole thing with a cliffhanger...

but great ending overall!

by (161k points)
Cant blame you.

Might do a follow up
0 votes
by (137k points)
Wow, this was a short series.
by (161k points)
Yep, i didnt feel enough motivation to work on it and no one read it.
by (137k points)
That's a valid reason.

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