+5 votes
in Ask KidzSearch Staff by (122k points)
soo, everyone was asking to add Nordic folk songs (and Nordic videos in general) because of carly. Carly (Nordic_Genealogist) is well known for her love of Scandinavian/Nordic culture. However, Carly's school blocked Nordic folk songs, which she uses to cope with her Anxiety problems and Autisim

Kidztalk added some videos today, but they were the wrong content. they added SSSniperwolf. If you didnt know, SSSniperwolf recently doxxed a youtuber. I cant belive they are still promoting her.

also, as a Finnish-American myself, I feel very bad for the Nordic folk song thing. this year has been a really bad year for Nordic-American heritage (the shutdown of multiple centers in Illinois, Indiana and Minnesota) and I feel like KT is ignoring everything. They just care about kids liking popular stuff

there are like at least 20 people asking to add Nordic folk songs for Carly. Please Kidztalk, I am begging you. Listen to your users.

11 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer


Commenting to promote this! 

As a person with Scandinavian and Finnish DNA, I feel its necessary to add more Nordic content. Adding videos like SSSniperwolf's is just dumb, nobody here (or at least an incredibly small amount) want to see that. Idk abt you, but I would rather see some Nordic things. 

Plus it promotes diversity and equality. We need more of that here. 

ALSO SSNIPERWOLF LITERALLY DOXXED SOMEONE. She showed up to his house, recorded it, and posted it to her over 5 million followers on Instagram. Promoting her only makes you look dumb, KT. Plus all of us have requested it, but instead we are ignored and shut down. 

We did this to support Carly and her interests. Its a coping mechanism and a place of comfort for her, just let her have that at least. KT is a great place, but adding more Nordic videos/folk songs would make it even better. Plus it will make us happy. 

As Inga said, its been a horrid year for Nordic festivals and events in America. Most are shut down or getting shut down. I dont want to make accusations, but it feels like KT is ignoring these requests. After all, we have sent in a LOT of them. 

Come on, KT, you can do it. Please, just do it. Just this once. 


#listentoyourusers #say-no-to-sssniperwolf 

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)

Is it too much to ask? /srs

by (790k points)
Dino is Scandinavian-


Yup! I have known for a while, but I haven't really had the time to mention it x33

Scandinavia is coola-=D

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe/it) 

by (790k points)
Super Cool
+1 vote
by (790k points)

We did it, Bróðirs and Sýsturs (Brothers and Sisters in Old Norse)

Jonna is amazing so i am glad they added her, and they also have Wardruna and SKÁLD which are bands I like (still very sad about Justine Galmiche's, The lead singer of SKALD Death) The problem is they should delete all the SSSniperwolf content due to her controversy

by (530k points)
How did she die? :[
by (790k points)
+1 vote

The selected text is a heartfelt message from Inga, a Finnish-American user of Kidztalk, who is expressing her frustration and concern about the absence of Nordic folk songs on the platform. Inga highlights that there has been a strong demand from the Kidztalk community to add Nordic folk songs and videos, mainly due to Carly's (also known as Nordic_Genealogist) well-known passion for Scandinavian/Nordic culture.

What adds an additional layer of significance to this request is Carly's personal circumstances. Inga reveals that Carly relies on Nordic folk songs as a means to cope with her anxiety problems and autism. Unfortunately, Carly's school has blocked access to these songs, depriving her of a valuable source of comfort and support. The impact of this restriction on Carly's well-being cannot be overstated, making the inclusion of Nordic folk songs on Kidztalk all the more crucial.

Inga further expresses her disappointment with Kidztalk's recent addition of content that misses the mark. Specifically, she mentions the inclusion of videos from SSSniperwolf, a controversial YouTuber who recently engaged in doxxing, an act of revealing personal information about someone without their consent. Inga finds it hard to believe that Kidztalk continues to promote someone with such questionable behavior, especially when there is a genuine demand for more wholesome content like Nordic folk songs.

However, Inga's plea for the addition of Nordic folk songs goes beyond her personal connection to Scandinavian heritage. She emphasizes that this year has been particularly challenging for Nordic-American heritage, with the shutdown of multiple centers in Illinois, Indiana, and Minnesota. Inga feels that Kidztalk is turning a blind eye to these important issues, prioritizing the popularity of mainstream content over the cultural significance and needs of its users.

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Inga concludes her message by passionately urging Kidztalk to listen to its user base. She highlights that there are at least 20 people who have voiced their desire for the inclusion of Nordic folk songs, specifically for Carly's sake. Inga's plea is not just for herself but for the entire Kidztalk community that values and appreciates Nordic culture. By responding to this request, Kidztalk has the opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to its users' well-being and cultural diversity.

by (530k points)

AI generated but at least it works this time...

+1 vote
by (71.3k points)

I completely agree with you.


SSSniperwolf needs to be stopped. She DOXXED my FAVORITE YouTuber, she’s a bad influence on children, and her content isn’t even a contribution to the YouTube community.


SSSniperwolf doxxed Jacksfilms. As already stated by Dino, she went OUTSIDE HIS HOUSE, recorded a video, and posted it to her Instagram. She then proceeded to HARRASE him on Twitter. She’s sick in the head. All this just because he called her out on stuff she is obviously GUILTY of. Imagine if one of SSSniperwolf’s upset fans goes and attacks Jacksfilms and his family?


She’s also a horrible influence on children. She’s committed crimes, she’s been divorced, and she’s currently getting sued by her ex-husband over their own COMPANY on YOUTUBE. And, talking about YouTube, her ‘reaction’ content is just her watching videos and not even REACTING. She just SUMMARIZES TikTok videos she finds and doesn’t even give the creators CREDIT. The funniest instance of SSSniperwolf NOT reacting is when she just said “Bro has a BAG” and just MOVED ON to the next TikTok.


I agree that KS needs to add Nordic songs/videos on KidzTube. It’ll make our community more inclusive and welcoming to those of Nordic descent and also fans of Nordic content. Me personally, I would LOVE to get educated on Nordic stuff! I honestly think it’s a great idea, and it would make Carly and other people really happy :)


 I know KS will add some Nordic videos soon, but I’m mostly hoping they remove SSSniperwolf’s content from their content. It’s really disappointing that YouTube and Kidztube are doing NOTHING about the situation. She should be either removed from the platform or at LEAST demonetized.

by (790k points)
they Demonitized SSSniperwolf, but only for a month
by (71.3k points)
yeah i heard

she needs more consequences than a 1 month demonetization.
+1 vote
by (116k points)
+1 vote
this is seriously messed up. Kidztalk ignoring requests, espiecally to comfort a Neurodivergent person.

Im not Nordic, but I think Nordic things are cool.
+1 vote
by (350k points)
We will add some, but we don't have much expertise in the best Nordic music. Are there any top 10 famous ones?
by (34.4k points)
Kidztalk, or whoever is head of the company, please remove the sssniperwolf content. She has done countless bad things before, honestly, I can't believe I was even a fan of hers. She has ignored a girl with cancer, CANCER I'm telling you, and probably much more. There are many kids on KidzTube/KidzSearch and in general, I do not think children should be watching her, seeing as that sadly, I thought she was a good person. As for the Nordic music, I think we should add some representation to the Nordic heritage and country. I had not heard of the country until I got to KidzTalk. So yes, add some Nordic music to the mix KidzSearch!

(Btw, I have not written seriously like this on the internet for a long time, so sorry if I made any mistakes.)

Thank you for listening, have a good day.

by (350k points)
We will be more careful when reviewing her videos and appreciate the feedback.
by (790k points)
idrc if theyre popular songs. a lot of Nordic folk singers are small, but i recommend to look on youtube channels like Vikingskog, Svensk Folkmusic or Ingenting if you're looking for any Nordic folk song
by (790k points)

Nordic isn't a country. Nordic refers to the countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and the Self-Governing Territories of Faroe Islands, Åland Islands, Greenland, Sápmi and Svalbard
by (34.4k points)
ohh sorry lol
by (790k points)
It's absolutely OK! I love educating people. What's not OK is Kidztalk adding dumbed down content and ignoring their users
by (790k points)

Just delete all her content alltogheter. it is lazy, not educational and shes done crimes.
+1 vote
by (965k points)
Yeah, KidzSearch. Add some Nordic folk songs! After all, just about everyone on here wants some!
+2 votes
by (161k points)



also i feel alone because no one likes the stuff i do at least carly and inga have a common intrest no one here has a common intrest with me

by (790k points)
i like Buttah dogs and writing :3
by (116k points)
what kinda stuff do you like
by (161k points)
History, cheesy 80’s action films, boxing, american football, and 90’s music
by (790k points)


scandinavian history mostly, but all history is coolio

by (116k points)
@Grav Sound like me lol
0 votes
by (790k points)
stay strong Finnish sister <3

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