+7 votes
in Other by (550k points)

Welcome to KidzShip, the War of the Ships. 8 contestants are put against war with each other. Only 1 will last. Prize is $1,000,000 KidzTalk money.

How it works: It’s a lot like minecraft version of Survivor. 8 people are in the roleplay, and occasionally, there’s challenges. The first person to complete it wins immunity, and the rest aren’t immune from the creeper pit, where one person will be voted out. elo is gonna be the main host .

Eventually, when there’s 3 people left, there will be no more challenges and just the tribal council (Creeper pit). When there’s 2 people left, the jury will vote for who the winner is.

(When you get voted out, you join the jury. The people still in cannot talk to the jury, and the jury cannot talk to them, except when there’s 2 people left. Then the jury asks the 2 people questions)






Potato life




Challange host

Mystery meat

    1 Answer

    +1 vote
    by (967k points)
    Best answer
    But I’m hosting my own KidzShip challenge…
    by (550k points)
    It'll be AFTER YOURS
    by (967k points)
    Oh. Then I’ll host it.

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