+9 votes
in Nordic Club by (794k points)

Hejså Lovely Vikings... It's Carly, Your local Non-Nordic Nordic Girl

I can't believe it is officially Saturday, I just woke up and I'm Binge-Listening all of Mari Boine's albums while making a doodle of myself. For some reason this week went by really slowly. Maybe is because of my gerascophobia, But IDK the real reason why this week went by real fast. Yesterday was great, I nearly forgot my gerascophobia, I got a 90 on a Math Test which is extremely unusual, I am great in Science and History but terrible at Math

So, While I was doing my Social Studies/History Project on Scandinavian-American Immigrants in Texas, I kept thinking to myself Wonder if there are Nordic Activities here in Texas. Because well... Here we don't have a lot of Nordicness, and I am a very big Nordic Nerd. In fact, The main reason I am going to Minnesota for my 14th birthday is just to visit some Nordic Museums, Heritage Centers and Settlements (I will also be visiting other places don't worry)

Anyways, This can be anything Nordic. Stores (I already visited one in Dallas this summer), festivals (PLEASE be those cultural festivals like Nordicfest or Norsk Høst, Instead of Viking Festivals, Since Viking Festivals may have people who are exploiting Nordic culture) or Heritage centers (Museums, Community Centers etc) and Settlements (I went to a Danish Settlement 3 months ago, I posted something about it here on Viking Diaries)

Lemme Know if you find some :D. Espiecally the Festival thing, Nordicfest is in Minnesota and Norsk Høste is in North Dakota. I am going to both (Nordicfest for my birthday, and Norsk Høste for my Middle School Graduation, which is in 2025) I want to see if local Nordic festivals excist in Texas

Bye Vikings, Make sure to smash that upvote button and subscribe... Bye

  • Carly

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (167k points)
Best answer

Smashed that upvote button!

Anyways, I don't live in Texas, so I don't really know. I googled it and didn't find much, but look at what I did find

by (794k points)
Thanks for smashing the button

by (167k points)
by (794k points)
It'd kinda depressing seeing that there aren't a lot of Nordic things here
by (167k points)

It's the Same for California.
by (794k points)
They have a Viking Festival, but those technically exploit Nordic culture
by (167k points)
by (794k points)
oh yeah and that Settlement I told you on Thanksgiving
+1 vote
by (230k points)
What is gerascophobia?
by (967k points)
It’s a fear of aging and dying, I believe.
by (794k points)
When you have a intense fear of growing up
by (529k points)
Fear of aging.
by (230k points)
Oh ok
+1 vote
by (122k points)

No good question

That's illegal skull

0 votes
by (794k points)
boost 2x
+1 vote
by (122k points)
Sons of Norway Arlington
by (794k points)
I'm not the age to join (I Have to be 15 to join)

And plus, didn't SON Arlington shut down 3 years ago?
0 votes
by (794k points)
boosting this
+1 vote
by (546k points)
Carly I love your blog!
by (794k points)
thanks :)
by (546k points)
You are welcome does this mean u forgive me


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