+3 votes
in Other by (1.2k points)

I know I put one blog out already but this is CRAZY ​​​​​​! My bestie let's call her Layla walked home from school w/ me after dance. My dance mate / friend told me I couldn't walk w/ her because all the dancers walk home together!! This was my first week at dance so probably a month ago. But my friend told me I could go and she wouldn't be mad at me.The next day comes and she's so mad!! She said I should have walked home w/ her and not my dance mate so of course I get upset and blast text the entire school what she said.And people call her the bad guy and I was the " hero" but I didn't feel like one. Was I in the wrong here or she?°u°

1 Answer

+1 vote
I THINK SHE WAS WRONG YOU DESERVE TO WALK with whomever u want if she does not undersstafd then dump her!!!!
by (1.2k points)

Ty,all my friends say the same thing but tbh she's one of my oldest friends so idk

Sometimes you just have to move on! I am not being rude but I  am in high school and last year I dumped one of my oldest friends because she starting being very very mean and beating people up that "friend" that I dumped last year was terrible to me since fifth grade and I just did not have the guts to dump her so in freshman year I dumped her and I could not be happier. Sometimes in life we just have to move on. It is part of growing up. You will see oneday maybe it will take you until highschol to realize you can decide for yourself with who you want to hang out with. And even if she is your oldest friend..., you do not have to be with someone just because you where friends forever. Eventually she will make you so miserablw you will hate yourself. Trust me I learned the hard way.

I hope things get better for you.

And please stay with your good friends! Xoxo lily!

P.S. You can always write dear lily onca new post if u have an question ok?
by (1.2k points)

Ty for the advice and if my blog name becomes a real blog name it will probably be Jordan's Days

Thats a good name.

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