+3 votes
in Queen Cat's Minecraft Club by
Hi. Ok so the other day my mom went a few pages back in my math and saw I'd skipped some of the problems and she told me if I skip anymore answers she will ground me for a MONTH. That means I wouldn't be able to be on here or play on my Nintendo switch or text my bestie. She said I could choose whether I wanted a spanking or get grounded. I'm not currently grounded but next time I skip something I will be. So if I don't answer for a Month at some point just know that probably means I'm grounded.

5 Answers

0 votes
by (550k points)
Just do the whole thing and then when assigned them.... Check you did them all.
0 votes
by (550k points)
Just tell her the school said u didn't have to do them or the ones u don't know how to do just use chatgpt.
I am Homeschooled.
by (550k points)
Then do the second one
0 votes
by (61.1k points)
Ok, no offense to ur mom, but that seems kinda unfair… like… A MONTH?! But im so sorry. We’ll miss ya if u are grounded
Actually it is fair. I skip math problems a lot.
I was once grounded for two months
0 votes
If you're some kinda popular girl,this might be easy,duh. But if not then...
I'm Homeschooled and not popular.
0 votes
by (547k points)

Thats terrible
Yeah but its fair though. I've kinda skipped some of the problems a lot of times. I won't skip anymore though. I asked her if I could just do an essay instead and she said no.


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