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in Queen Cat's Minecraft Club by

I am gonna build the ENTIRE Harry Potter movies In one world on the sunflower field spawn in Minecraft!!!!!!! I've already got the Dursley's house built but I cannot remember the house number LOL. Next I gotta build a few random houses and build Ms.Tibbs house. (Ms Tibbs is the lady across the street from the Dursley's) She doesn't show up till the 5th movie but I gonna build it anyway. Im basically combining all the Harry Potter movies into one Minecraft world. For the last ones i'll have to wait to add the fire to Hogwarts after recording all the others. Y'all are probably wondering why I'm planning on recording aren't you? Well I'm actually building this for a future YouTube video. Comes out in about 4 if not 5years on march the 25 if not 30th. The Movies will come out 1 at a time. Buuut I will have to hire 250 people for them!!!!! rolling I am not hiring right now though since I am not online Minecraft yet. I will release them on my YouTube channel. As y'all know my channel name will be the same as it is on here. I will hire a few people from here. Such as Minecraftnerd, Gravitycentered, and a few others. You'll know it when you see the name                     "Queen cat's Harry Potter" I named it "Queen cat's Harry Potter" so y'all can find it easy. It will be a public world. I think it'll take many years to build it. That is why I already started it. It's so complex........... I wont be able to add them actually  playing quiditch though. And instead of hagrid's flying motorcycle I will have to do the: bubble minecart trick to go over the water. I'm not sure if even Minecraftnerd knows what the bubble minecart trick is. Its where you put soul sand on the bottom of the water and ride a minecart over the bubbles you can ride over the water. Oh I almost forgot you don't actually get to pick your character I will pick your character according to your acting skills. Some good players will have to be bad characters and bad players be good. Well who knows maybe YOU will be picked!!! You'll find out in 4 or 5 years! 


Queen cat

3 Answers

0 votes
Boost so more people can see this. (KS can you actually keep this entire post at the top for at least a week so I can spread the word please please please)
0 votes
by (529k points)
This sounds so awesomesauce!

One day, I'll see about doing voice acting, so hopefully I'll land a part in a few Minecraft roleplays as well :]

Don't forget I post the vid in 4 or 5 years! It will be so tedious getting 250 players thoughfear i'll get some of them through Minecraft and probably a few youtubers. And I bet a lot of Kidztalk users will do it. I will not only need tons of extras but also a lot of Main characters. If you want you can just be in it. For the main characters I will have to do auditions but the extras won't have to audition they just have to change they're name tag and they're skin to a more Hogwarts school robe. Of course everyone will have to change they're name tag during filming. You can choose wether your a main character or an extra. I was thinking you'd be Mrs.Weasley if you were a main character. You interested? 

by (529k points)

I dunno.

Could we go for Hermione if I were to do it?
Well you don't get to pick your character though. And I am already Hermione. There is no person for Luna or Ginny yet. Actually most of the main characters don't have an person already. I don't have a lot of the characters. Btw can you try and spread the word about my project a bit please?
0 votes
by (43.9k points)
The Dursley’s house is number 4


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