+3 votes
in Venting by (28.9k points)
i lost my dog 97 days ago and for some reason it is hitting me really really hard today I just want her back i knew her almost all my life how... why... she-shes gone why now do i finally realize i will never see my best friend again hopefully i will in heaven tho

3 Answers

0 votes
by (542k points)
Best answer

Hi Lena,

You probably don't know me very well but my name is Chelsea and I have dealt with tons of loses. And if you want my personal advice from my experience with loses a loved one or a loved pet the best advice is to think of the good times you had with your dog and how happy he/she made you feel. That is what I did when I was sad about my dad. I just thought of the good times we had together.

And your dog was probably either ready to die or was very old because everything in life has a reason. Everything. So there must be a reason for your dogs death too. I know you said that your dog died 97 days ago and you are feeling all of the sudden very very sad about losing him/her. That is perfectly normal!! 

Sometimes sadness from losing someone or something you loved can take a long time to even feel any emotion. Like for example, when my dad died my mom was not sad until five and a half months later. The first two months of him being gone when I was nine were really hard. My mom was not there for me. She was just locked in her room.

But what I am trying to say is, sadness can take a long time to creep up on you. So if your feeling sad about your dog right now, it means that your emotions and love for your dog are entering your brain right now. It is perfectly normal and healthy to cry or feel mad at someone even. But just remember you always have your kt family and me!!!

I made you smile!!

emoticon-00100-smile I see it!!

I'm always here. heart


by (28.9k points)

thx for a while its been like she is just on a trip like she would be back soon i refused to believe it like i would open the door and she would run to me with a waging tail and lick me to death and everything will be ok... normal but now its hitting me like a ton of bricks she is she she i-i I NEED HER I NEED MY BEST FRIEND BACK she can't be gone i need her why did she leave me she has been here for as long as I can remember how is she gone why is she gone ITS NOT FAIR she is really gone I will never see her again she is in a better place but why can't that place be here with me

by (542k points)

Thats hard.

I hope I could help u.
0 votes
by (44.0k points)

I understand losing the dog that you've been waiting for most of your life is a horrible thing to go through. I lost my dog a couple of years ago and it still hurts today because she's never coming home. Recently after I lost her I found myself just feeling numb and that's perfectly normal it's a part of grieving. after losing a pet that you've been with most of your life you will grieve a lot and it's going to be hard. I'm not here to tell you that the pain will go away. it will get easier to deal with in time but for now, it's going to be hard. But just remember that you have everyone on this wonderful website and you have me. if you ever feel like you just need someone to be there for you and talk to just message me. it will get easier with time, I promise.



+1 vote
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