+4 votes
in Debate by (796k points)
the 52 project is spreading

now, I already told Eva this, but is it the original 52 or 53?

for those who sont know about the 52 project, it is a project that will mean that next school year, we will circle the number 52 in math problems and put a heart on top. this is because 2025 marks 200 years since the first Norwegian immigrants,  which there were 52

however, there was a baby girl that was born during the voyage, as described on a letter. some people consider it to be 53, counting her but most people just say 52

so. is it 52 or 53 (dont start wars)
52 (5 votes, 83%)
53 (1 vote, 17%)

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (123k points)
Best answer
52. 53 dosent hit well
by (796k points)
OG 53 feels off
+1 vote
by (968k points)
53. Someone was born during the voyage, therefore they also emigrated to America.
by (796k points)
0 votes
by (796k points)
I want you guys' scientific reasoning on why its 52 on a seperate answer

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