+1 vote
in Mental Health by
I cry over my grades, watch videos when I am supposed to be working, and scream over chores. I started sixth grade last fall, and it has been the downfall of me. Also, sorry for not posting in so long!!

kinda same as well, maybe try talking to your teachers about how you cant get work done, and ask them for advice or to give you an explanation about it,i procrastinate as well, and end up reading assiened chapters in books on the day we are supposed to talk about it.

but about the grade things maybe like find out what you struggle with, and find something about it on youtube. like,  example,if you struggle with divison try searching up videos about the basics and work your way up, i do it sometimes, but like you i find it hard kind of and hardly get passing grades. i hope the rest of your year gets better!

tips ( sorry for bad grammer and spelling):

 i am no stranger to procrastination, it sucks. try remembering why you have to get good grades in the first place, or watch motivation videos on youtube for procrastining.( or quizes if you can find some)or, you can try out some productive things like drawing or sitting in nature or writing and stuff, so that might give you a boost. 

also, don' t blame other things for where you are at. ( if you do) like, don' t say,

oh well, its because its just to hard for me


its because of___, i cant help it!

i did these things sometimes, but don' t do it. ill useally blame everyone but me for some of my problems, like me being too shy to make friends,or having medium to ehh grades. you should not erase the fact that this will make it harder to do, and you should still empathize with yourself about these things, because it will take a challenge. but, don' t serve it as an excuse for not doing something because of something else.  im still not trying to do this though aswell.

if you do get a bad grade again while trying your hardest, don' t beat yourself up about it. failing is the most important step in growing. i sure do suck at math bad, even though i work my hardest on it, but i still work hard on it, even if i do medium answers. and if you do fail, you' ll know what to avoid next time.

sorry if these might have been too harsh if this has.i kinda sped this up too quickly, i just realized. but i hope you can still get informed from this. also, even if you do these things, it won't all come fast. it might take a long time till you get good grades, but that' s ok because determination really pays of in the end.

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, or it could just be ADHD. I know a good bit about it.

I thought I had it, but my mom said It's probably that I'm Gifted.

Gifted children and people with ADHD tend to share similarities.

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