+4 votes
in Religion / Philosophy by

No hate please.

I finally feel comfortable enough to tell you guys this.







I’m Wiccan.

 I know I’m probably going to get a lot of hate. 

But if you do have any questions I’ll answer them.

Please don’t ignore this, if you don’t have anything nice to say that’s fine you don’t have to answer.

I hope this doesn’t change anything. I hope we can all still be friends. :DD

yay we can all still be friends with you

8 Answers

+1 vote
by (303k points)
Best answer
coolness!! :D

i love when people open up to telling about religion on here!!!!

all we care about is if you're happy, and we'll love u platonically no matter what! <3

I thought that for sure this was going to have a lot of hate, but I guess not. :DD
0 votes
by (87.3k points)
WHats wiccan?
0 votes
by (530k points)
Seeing your explanations in comments below makes this religion really cool x3

Yeah I’m so glad you guys aren’t giving me hate (not that I thought you would) thank you!! :DD
0 votes
by (550k points)
Wiccan? What's that?
0 votes
As a Christian (and with genuine curiosity), what do you guys think of the claims that your spirits are Demons?

To elaborate, whenever I hear other Christians talk about Pagan Religious (as in Religious People) meeting deities, they say they're either lying about it or talking to Demons from Satan.

I can't make this claim myself, as I think it's dishonest to make assumptions like this about something I haven't done the research on, but I'm curious what you think of this.

And P.S., despite my religion being inherently opposed to yours, I have nothing but respect for you and wish you the best! I am merely here from a place of genuine curiosity and wanting to learn, and religious discussions fascinate me endlessly.

I don’t have much experience with this because you guys are the first people I have ever told about my religion. But I can tell you this much

Are religion is manly focused on doing good and one of the rules is that if it harms none than do as you will. 

We also have the three fold law which means that whatever you do good or bad it comes back 3 times its original intent.

Yes, most Wiccans practice witchcraft but not all. A good  witch would never ever do anything that will do harm to anyone. 

We are utmost against doing anything that involves the Satan or demons. 

We don’t lie one of the things that we try to avoid is lying, that and starting any drama.

I’m so glad that that you have questions, I to like to learn about other religions. :DD

-Rainbow kitty 

I appreciate the response, tysm!
0 votes
by (228k points)
What is that? I don't think i've ever heard of that..?
0 votes
by (206k points)
Its okay!

Are we friends?

Im a christen
Yeah! Of course we can be friends :DD
0 votes
by (31.4k points)
Sorry.....I dont know what that is.

Wiccans are a type of pagan. We basically worship nature.

Most believe in the moon goddess and the horned god. some Wiccan’s only believe in the existence of goddess. some Wiccan’s believe that gods and goddesses are equal but most believe that goddess are more important. 

I however believe that goddess and gods are equal. And believe in the moon goddess and the horned god.

We usually work with deities. I don’t have a deity because I’m still waiting for one to call me.

A deities is like a powerful spirit sort of like a god/goddess but not quite.

We believe in the Wiccan rede which is, if it does not harm, then do as you please. 

we also believe in the three fold law which means that whatever you do good or bad will come back three times it’s original intent. It’s sort of like karma.

We celebrate 8 Sabbat’s (which are holidays)  Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Beltane, Litha, Lammas and modron.

Beltane is actually tomorrow! 

If you have any more questions feel free to ask because I will answers any questions you have.

-Rainbow kitty 

by (31.4k points)

How does a deities call you?
by (228k points)

What is the moon goddess's name?

The moon goddess name is Selene.

How a deity calls you can be in many ways I will only be able to explain some because other wise this will be super duper long.

1. You may start to see the god/goddess in books or as you walk by a book store ect.

2. You start to see the deities animal like for reference Athena’s animal symbol is an owl so you may start to see the owl a lot more often than normal.

3. You may have the urge to do something related to a specific deity like build a seashell spoon or something.

There’s a lot more ways to be called by a deity, those are just the ones off the top of my head. :DD

-Rainbow kitty
by (965k points)
That’s so cool.

by (228k points)

by (31.4k points)

I some of the deities are from Greek mythology lol
by (228k points)

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