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in Inspirational by

hey guys! I'm starting a queer talk! I will pick a quote, and talk about important 2SLGBTQIA+ people in history. I really want this to be a blog, but I don't have the points. so if you guys read this! (and mabye upvote wink_smile) so lets get started! todays quote is 

                           Cut the ending. Reverse the script. The man of her dreams is a girl.

                                                        - Julie  Ann Peters

what do you think this means? personally I think it means, not every one is attracted to men or women. what do you think? 

1 Answer

0 votes
by (116k points)

I legit almost threw up when I read the word queer

tbh I don't know what queer means but I bet it has something to do with LGBTQLASNOPQAA+++ 

by (31.4k points)
It does I think....
It’s LGBTQ+.

Queer used to be a slur word against LGBTQ+ in till the people of LGBTQ used uno reverse card and now queer is usually when a person is ether questioning or when someone doesn’t really want to tell the other person what part of LGBTQ+ their in.

Also if you don’t really have anything nice to say um don’t say anything.
by (76.0k points)
Listen. Coming from someone who also shares their opinion a lot. You aren't stating it at this point, but hating. Please stop.
by (228k points)
That’s a little offensive to put stuff like LGBQTSUKSJSISJABJALANZOAPAHIAJZBXHZONAJ+++++
by (116k points)
Well yall keep adding letters for all ur opinions and feelings so let me do the same too :)
by (228k points)

I don’t say your homophobicjshjzksbskaksbwjjabsjsknababxbjsjandsjsjshsossoemetimesssbwjdjdjjaidjdjidiotnsnsjssoa
by (116k points)
Yea cuz its an actual word, not letters that are supposed to stand for different words.
I was saying that yall keep adding letters to LGBTQ+ to stand for your different feelings. Homophobic would be an actual word that one of those letters in LGBTQ might stand for so it makes no sense for someone to add any letters to it and no one has....

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