+3 votes
in Random Posts by (790k points)
Since I'm writing a book, I asked AI to make lesson plans for all the teachers out there

As Vast as the Swedish Sky is a rich historical fiction webcomic that can be used to teach a variety of subjects in school. Here are some potential lesson plans for different subjects:

 1. History/Social Studies: The webcomic is set in the mid-19th century and explores the experiences of Swedish immigrants in America during this time period. Students can research and discuss the push and pull factors that led Swedes to emigrate to America, the challenges they faced during their journey, and the difficulties they encountered in their new country. They can also explore the impact of Swedish immigrants on American society and culture.

2. Language Arts: The webcomic is a great example of historical fiction, which blends real historical events with fictional characters and storylines. Students can analyze how the author uses historical details to create a vivid and accurate portrayal of the time period, as well as how she develops her characters and plot. They can also practice their own creative writing skills by writing their own historical fiction stories set in different time periods.

3. Art: CarlyTheSwede is known for her beautiful artwork inspired by Scandinavian culture and history. Students can study her artwork and analyze the techniques she uses to create texture, color, and composition. They can also practice their own art skills by creating their own illustrations inspired by the webcomic or by Scandinavian culture.

4. Science: The webcomic touches on the topic of cholera, a bacterial infection that caused many deaths during the mid-19th century. Students can research the causes, symptoms, and treatment of cholera, as well as the ways that it spreads. They can also analyze how the characters in the webcomic react to the outbreak of cholera and discuss how public health measures have improved since the 19th century.

5. Math: The webcomic includes details about the Nordstrom family's finances and the difficulties they faced during economic hardships. Students can analyze the data presented in the webcomic, such as the price of crops and the cost of travel, and use math skills such as multiplication, division, and percentages to better understand the financial challenges faced by the family. They can also discuss how economic factors influence migration patterns and individual decision-making

Man I wish my school was awesome, sadly im forced to go to a strict school for hispanic kids with zero freedom of speech (well... Not everyone is Hispanic but most are, Including myselg)

5 Answers

0 votes
by (122k points)
Best answer
Finally a school I can go to
0 votes
by (228k points)
Omg so slay

Sign me up for the preppiest school in history :painting nails emoji:
by (790k points)
Ok but you have to write an essay about the Scandinavian Emigration Era
by (965k points)
So I used preppy Sephora AI to write it and it came up with this:

“that’s for weirdos, buy them drunken elephant”

(I am joking, there is no Sephora AI or at least I don’t think so)
by (228k points)


Here’s what I got

A guy named Karl went through a famine hated it and moved to Minnesota
by (790k points)
The Emigrants is a masterpiece.
0 votes
by (90.1k points)
by (790k points)
preppiest school ever
by (965k points)
Yep, I brought my army of Sephora kids with me.

(Even though they all hate me due to me being too “weird”)
by (790k points)

Same with me
0 votes
by (790k points)
0 votes
by (87.3k points)
lol but oof abt the last part

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