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in Adi's Rants by (114k points)

so my dad found an overnight camp in August for children who's parents have/have had cancer. (my mom is undergoing breast cancer chemotherapy-SHES FINE SHES NOT GONNA DIE) idk if I wanna go.


-It's an overnight camp

-It's with kids my age


-It's only four days (they call that a week like what)

-its the last days of August (18-22)

-I don't know anyone there

-In the end, we have to 'talk about out struggles'.

-its free, so I could be a bad camp.

Idk if I wanna go. what do u yall say?

Yes (5 votes, 83%)
No (1 vote, 17%)

1 Answer

0 votes
I mean... Is it going to just be a camp that's just therapy? Do you need that? Or would it be "Oh yay marshmallows and songs around a campfire" kinda thing? If it's the first one and you need it or simply want to be away from home for awhile, then I would say go and meet new people, but if you would be bored the whole time and get nothing out of it, then don't go. You have nothing to lose if you do end up going or not.


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